☼ T R O U B L E

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I couldn't believe I was taking my sisters advice.

I was standing in the airport, holding up a small sign with the name 'Winchester' scrawled across it in black ink. I was highly uncomfortable under the stares of children and adults alike, that all seemed to judge me for standing alone.

"Excuse me, miss." I looked down and saw a little girl with a huge mess of curly brown hair staring up at me. She grinned broadly, showing her lack of front teeth.

"Yes?" I smiled, adoring her freckles and bright blue eyes. She would surely be a gorgeous young lady in the future.

"My brother wants to know if you watch Supernatural." She stated, pointing to a boy that could be no older than fourteen. The girl herself looked about nine, but she seemed so mature.

"Yes, I do as a matter of fact. I love that show. Dean Winchester is my future husband." I winked to her and she giggled.

"I like that show too! Teddy doesn't let me watch it though, usually." She frowned and her bottom lip pouted out.

"Is Teddy your brother?" I queried, still slightly confused as the why the boy would've wondered in the first place.

"Yeah, he's a big meanie. He said he'd give me candy if I asked you, though." She shrugged.

"Why was he curious about that, though?" I voiced my confusion and she made an 'oh' sound and pointed at my sign.

"He said that's the guys' last name!" She bounced on her feet.

"Oh, yes. Dean and Sam Winchester." I laughed. I imagined myself picking up Jenson Ackles and Jared Padalecki from the airport. Oh, a girl could dream. "But this is a different Winchester."

"Oh!" She gasped in realization. "I'll tell him that. Thank you, ma'am!"

She ran off back to her family, but I just smiled. She was absolutely adorable. She was  talking animatedly to her brother and making wild hand gestures.

"Damn. I was hoping the first time I'd see you after nearly a week would be you on my bed, naked." I looked forward and saw Jace in front of me, a smirk on his face and a duffel bag in his hand.

The awkwardness seemed almost nonexistent.

"You'll never see me on your bed, naked." I scoffed.

"Oh, so it'll be your bed?" He stepped closer. I rolled my eyes, but seeing him had my heart beating erratically.

"Where are your parents?" I asked, ignoring the fact that his mouth was within half a foot of mine.

"Getting our suitcases. They told me to go start the car so we can get home fast." He informed me and I nodded in understanding.

"Then get on that, dumbass." I shoved his shoulder lightly, although I still had a big smile on my face.

"I should leave more often if that means you'll flirt so much when I get back." He wiggled his eyebrows, leading the way to his car. I glanced behind me and saw the little girl waving to me. I waved back, wishing I could've at least gotten the adorable little girls name.

We got to his parents' car and he threw his duffel bag into the back before swiftly turning around and trapping me between him and the car. I gasped, shocked by the sudden movement.

"What the hell, Jace?" I snapped, attempting to get away from him. My attempts were futile, seeing as he had muscles and I didn't.

"You have been causing me so much trouble lately." He growled and I felt my breathing get more and more shallow.

"I'm confused." I told him honestly.

"Sometimes I wish you could just read my thoughts." He sounded extremely exasperated. "It would make everything so much easier."

"I saw you jack off at the party." I blurted.

What. The. Hell.

Where did that even come from?

Jace's eyes widened and be released me, backing away slightly. He scratched the back of his neck, his face burning a bright red.

He went from intense to nervous in seconds.

"Wh-what did you hear?" He avoided my gaze.

"A lot of...moaning. You said my name, so I assumed you knew I was in there." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You're so oblivious." He chuckled humorlessly. "You were dancing in a revealing dress, you were singing, we were drunk, you accidentally rubbed against my crotch a few times. I was jacking off to you."

I didn't know whether to feel shocked, mortified, flattered, or disgusted.

So I settled for a mix of all.

"What?" I gaped at him.

"Oh, come on, Lex! It can't be that hard to believe. You know you turn me on sometimes." He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. He was clearly very done with me at the moment.

"Excuse me for finding it a bit odd if my best friend jacks off to me?" I was angry and frustrated, and just plain irritable.

"It's not the first time, damn." He mumbled under his breath. I felt a raging headache coming on.

"I don't think I can take this right now." I muttered, stepping away from his car.

"Why are you being so sensitive?" He threw his hands up. "This isn't that big of a deal. Want me to masturbate to porn? Is that better?"

"Ew, don't say that word." I cringed, momentarily distracted. "And, I don't care what you jack off to! I just want answers."

"Answers to what, Lexi? I can't answer when I don't even know your questions." I noticed the bags under his eyes and I turned around, beginning the walk to my car.

"Never mind. We'll discuss this later. You're tired and need to get home." I sent him a look over my shoulder. "This was a bad idea anyway."

He sighed but got into his car. He slammed the door hard and I walked faster to my own vehicle. Damn you, Melissa.

Damn you.


Really short but necessary  (sorry if it was boring and/or weird)

Hey, so only about five chapters left I'm thinking??!

But I have a special surprise when we reach the end

(Btw probably no spin off but there will be an epilogue)

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