☼ J E A L O U S

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Not having my best friend with me when at the diner felt odd.

I could practically feel El's penetrating gaze trained on my back as I sat and drank my combination of Coke and Pepsi. I was in a two person booth, but there was no one across from me.

I stared at the red tabletop, internally sighing as I replayed the moment with Jace in my head. When did we get so dramatic? Why couldn't we just go back to being simple, best friends?

Try as I might, I knew there was no way we would be the way we were again, not as long as I harbored this ridiculous love thing for him.

Jace had been back for a week now, and when at Matthews birthday party, we avoided each other as much as possible. I sat in the corner, watching as Chris and Adam exchanged flirty remarks and Sarah and Matthew traded hushed declarations of love. Cody and Parker had practically been having sex on the couch and although there were plenty of girls there to seduce, Doug had sat on the table, chatting with El all night.

I wasn't completely sure what was going on between Doug and El, but I knew it was more than a casual fling. As much as I hated to say it, the She-Devil was sort of good for him.

"Are you even going to order anything else?" The Devil herself spoke as she waltzed up to my table. One eyebrow was raised as she smacked at her gum.

"Um, a piece of pie, I guess." I shrugged halfheartedly. I wasn't hungry, but I felt like I had to order something instead of just sit and look depressed.

"What kind?" She droned, clearly not interested.

"Apple." I replied. I thought she would leave at that, but to my surprise, she stayed.

"Look, I hate you." She dropped her pen and notepad into her apron pocket before looking at me again. "Still, you're bringing everyone down by being all 'woe is me'."

"I haven't even said anything!" I defended myself, scowling. She rolled her eyes and tucked a loose curl behind her ear.

"You don't have to. Your face says it all. I know it's probably something about your...whatever Jace is, but you need to snap out of it. You've always been very independent, and even though I don't like you, that is one quality I could appreciate in you." She paused. "Key word, could. Now you're whining about how he doesn't love you back. Hey, don't look at me like that - like I said, your face says it all. You wear your heart on your sleeve."

With that, she stormed off, leaving me alone to ponder my thoughts. As much as I hated to say it, Evil El was right. I had become so dependent on Jace and on my feelings and I'd become one of those girls I've always hated.

I've become the kind of girl that only worries about the boy, instead of her friends or family. I worry constantly about every little thing Jace says or does, even though it probably shouldn't matter.

That's when I made my decision.

I called Jace, and I told him to meet me at the Hangout. I threw a ten dollar bill on the table, not caring that a drink and a piece of pie didn't cost ten dollars, and that I hadn't even gotten my desert in the first place.


When I got to the beach, I saw Jace sitting in the sand, his chin resting on his knee while his arms were hugging his legs.

I took a deep breath and walked to him. I sat beside him and knocked shoulders with him, sending a small smile.

"Hey." I greeted weakly.

"Hey." He was still looking at the ocean, his eyes matching the waters color almost exactly.

"I wanted to apologize." I began. I played with the sand as I spoke, a sign I was nervous. "I shouldn't have overreacted. I get it, the kiss shouldn't have happened. We're two hormonal teenagers, and we're best friends. We can call it an experiment."

He chuckled lightly, still not looking at me. "An experiment."

"Yeah." I coughed, clearing my throat, although it was fine to begin with. "I just want us to joke around and be the way we were before Halloween. It's been almost two months, Jace. I miss just talking and laughing and having fun. I know all the problems are my fault anyway, because I read too much into the kiss. Maybe it's because I haven't had a boyfriend in ages."

"Maybe." He said softly. I was getting tired of the short replies.

"Anyway, I'm sorry for all of the shit I put you through. It was dumb. We're best friends Jace, and I love you so much." It hurt to say that, because I loved him not only as a friend, but as something more. Still, he'd never know that. "My birthday is in a little over a week, and so is Christmas. I just want to be friends again. Like we were."

Now, he looked at me. His eyes scanned my face and he frowned deeply. "Have you been crying?"

I blanched, not expecting that question. The truth was, I had cried on the drive to the beach because I was just imagining Jace and I being nothing but friends, him marrying a nice girl and having kids. I knew it was childish of me, but it was true. We'd be leaving for college in a little over six months, and we might possibly never see each other again.

I hadn't worn any makeup today, so I didn't think he'd be able to tell. "No. Why?"

He shifted a bit closer, and I felt my breathing speed up slightly. He pressed his thumbs to my cheeks, slowly running them down my face.

"Because there are tears tracks. Your eyes are blood shot and your lips are really pink, and that usually happens when you bite your lip excessively, which you tend to do when you cry." My heart swelled knowing that he picked up on so much about me. Almost immediately, though, it deflated. Some girl would have him as a husband one day. She would have him to compliment her, to knew her like the back of his hand.

I was immensely jealous of a girl I didn't even know yet.

"Uh, allergies." I lied, dropping my gaze.

"Lexi, you idiot. You're not allergic to anything." He sighed, pulling me close so that my face was pressed into his chest. "I don't know why you cried, but I'm going to make it better. I love you, Lex. I love your smile and that glimmer in your eyes when you're happy. I love when we joke and play around. I haven't seen that in a long time."

I snuggled closer to his chest, absorbing his warmth. Although it wasn't cold out, there was a slight breeze and I was a little chilly.

He wrapped his arms tighter around me and I knew that even though we might not ever be anything more than friends, I still have him for now.

And that's better than anything else in the world.


Lace reunion yas

When I said 5 chapters left it was very loosely

There might be less than five or more than five idk

Fave power couple?

Adam & Chris, El and Doug, Matthew and Sarah, or Cody and Parker?

(((Don't day Jace and Lexi bc they aren't a couple :* :* )))

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