☼ N E R V O U S

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It was Saturday that I finally got pranked.
I hadn't thought of a good enough prank to get all boys, at least, not in time. It was a few days after we ditched detention, and about two weeks since the boys had informed me that they were even planning a prank.

I must commend them, though, because I hadn't seen it coming nor had I expected it to be so carefully planned and executed.

Now, of course I was angry once I woke up and found myself teetering on a raft in the middle of Cody's Olympic sized pool - I'm not even kidding, his parents are super rich - but I was also sort of amused. I was proud of the boys for carrying out such a successful prank without so much as waking me up.

I don't know how they did it, I mean, I've always been a heavy sleeper and I know that, but seriously? How did they manage to get me all the way from my house to Cody's a few blocks over, on a raft and into the center of the pool without me even feeling it?

I woke in my white tank top and duck pajama bottoms (which were partially soaked due to the fact that some of the fabric had been hanging over the edge of the plastic raft), and I was confused by the loud sounds of echoing laughter. After opening my eyes, I was met with an infuriating sight.

Doug had his phone out, filming me while the other guys were practically rolling on the ground from laughter.

"I'm going to kill all of you!" I yelled, making sure to stay still so that I wouldn't fall off the raft.

"If you can even get to us!" Chris called back, chuckling to himself. I glared at him and tried to figure in a way to get to the edge without falling off the raft and into the water.

"Jackass." I mumbled to myself, using my hands as paddles to push myself to the ladder. However, my hands weren't strong enough to push both the large raft and my body, and I ended up slipping off and into the cold water.

I emerged from below the water to hear splashes and laughter. I shook my hair out of my face and saw Jace wading towards me, a smile on his face. I scowled at him.

Once he got close enough, I splashed him. "You were apart of this!"

"Wow, you're definitely the next Sherlock." He teased sarcastically and it didn't improve my mood one bit.

"Stop being such a girl, Lex. You're overreacting. What's the problem, anyway? It's just water and nothing is damaged." Chris made a good point as he too swam closer to us. I bit my lip and nodded.

"You're right. I'm just cranky in the morning."

"We know." Jace scoffed and I smacked his shoulder.

For the rest of the day, the guys and I just swam around in Cody's pool, wearing our pajamas. I'd be lying if I said I had a bad time.


"Where are your parents?" I asked Jace as we entered his house, both sopping wet. It was late evening and usually his parents were home by this time.

"They're out on a date night. They don't usually do that, but my mom said she wants to 'salvage their marriage'." Jace mocked his mother, using an exaggerated girly voice.

It was no secret that Jace's parents were having some marital issues. They were constantly at each other's throats, ever since Jace was a young teenager. I remember their first fight and how Jace came to my house, his face tear stained. That was the only time I ever saw him cry.

Now, he just wanted them to get a divorce. He was over their spats and he figured it would just be better for everyone if they took some time apart. Unfortunately, Jennette was not that type of woman. She tried everything - marriage counseling, vacations, and now apparently 'date nights'.

Whereas my parents did it because they were in love, Jace's parents did it to solve an insolvable relationship.

"That's lame." I replied with a shrug. He nodded in an agreement and we headed upstairs to his room. Wordlessly, he tossed me a shirt and boxers. I went to his bathroom and changed quickly.

I re entered the room to find a shirtless Jace sifting through his movies. I gulped and stood frozen. His back was to me, and if he sensed me, he didn't acknowledge it.

Why was I nervous? I had never been nervous around Jace before. The thoughts from the diner came flitting back to me and I immediately shoved them away. I. Did. Not. Like. Jace.

"Mission Impossible or The Conjuring?" He questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh," I shook my head to clear my thoughts. "Um, The Conjuring, definitely."

He nodded and after he put the disk in, we climbed into his bed and under the covers. At some point during the movie, while I was jumping from fright, Jace placed his hands on my shoulders and began massaging them. It definitely helped take my mind off the movie.

"Does that feel good?" He whispered, his mouth far too close to my ear.


Maybe a little too good.


"I'm so sick of this. That...that harlot is always in his bed! I thought they broke up." a voice snapped in frustration. I cracked an eye open slightly and saw Jennette standing at the door furiously, her husband behind her, an exhausted expression on his face.

I was confused by her statement at first, then I remembered that Jace and I had pretended to date, then proceeded to pretend to breakup. Oh well.

"Relax, Jen. They're teenagers, let them do what they want. Hell, Jace is already eighteen." Jace's father said, placing a hand on his wife's shoulder. She shrugged it off and pushed past him. He sighed and shut the door quietly.

"I suppose you heard that too." Jace grumbled, his face shoved into a pillow. I chuckled at the sight and moved it away. He groaned but I just smiled.

"Yeah, I'm a harlot now." I couldn't contain my laughter at Jennette's choice of wording.

"You've always been a harlot. Or more precisely, my harlot." He smiled sleepily and pulled my towards him. My face was smashed against his naked chest.

"What are you doing?" I asked, though it was sort of garbled due to my face being pressed against his skin.

"This is more comfortable." He informed me, laying his head in the crook of my neck. I shuddered but covered it up with laughter.

"I can't stay much longer. Today is my sisters baby shower," I reminded him. "Hey, why don't you come to that? After all, she is going to tell everyone the gender."

"I always forget Mel's pregnant. Then I see her waddle around when she visits your house and I remember." Jace shakes his head, but it's sort of a feeble attempt considering his head is still at my neck.

"Yup, eight months along. Her and Jeremy are quite the happy couple," I roll my eyes. Mel and Jeremy were a ridiculous couple. Sure, they were a riot to be around, but it could get a little much sometimes. Especially since Melissa is pregnant. "So do you want to come?"

"Fine. If it means spending even more time with you, then why not?"

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