☼ T E N S I O N

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The tension was basically palpable as everyone stared at Adam, who sat on Chris' beanbag chair. Adam looked extremely uncomfortable as he shifted under the heavy looks.

I'd texted Adam the address earlier in the afternoon and told him to come around Chris' at about eight. Now, it was 8:30 and the whole gang was here.

We have been neglecting our weekly Saturday night gatherings because someone was always ended up being busy, so it was nice having everyone here for the first time in over two months. Sure, Adam was a new addition, but they would get used to it, hopefully.

"So," I began, holding the popcorn bowl in my lap. I was sitting on the carpet beside Adam and Jace was on the other side of me. "What are we watching, Chris?"

"Um," He looked at the disc in his hand. "Saw."

"A horror movie?" Cody looked amused. "Prepare for clinging, Adam. Lexi thinks she's all big and badass, but as soon as someone turns on a horror film, she turns into a little girl."

"Shut up." I hiss but Cody just laughs. Hey, it's perfectly normal for a person to get scared during a horror movie. That's what they're made for, right?

Cody was the only one who didn't seem to mind Adams presence, which kind of surprised me. I thought it would be Matthew or even Chris that would take a liking to him, but they were still watching him as if he was an alien.

"I don't mind." Adam laughed awkwardly, ending with a cough. I gave him a sympathetic smile before looking at Chris' TV.

He put in the disc and turned off the lights, making my stomach drop. Unintentionally, I reached to the left, grabbing Jace's hand. His fingers intertwined with mine and I felt a blush color my cheeks. Thank God it's dark.

Why was I blushing now? Sure, now I realize I like Jace, but that didn't mean I had to be some frilly girly girl, not that there's anything wrong with frilly girly girls. I just wasn't one, and that wasn't going to change because of a crush.

The movie began and the men were sitting in that gross bathroom. I'd seen Saw before, but it scarred me, so I haven't watched it in years.

Cody and Doug were muttering to each other quietly while Matthew was watching the movie intently. I looked to my right and saw Adam clutching a pillow and shaking. Apparently I wasn't the only one to freak out during a horror movie.

Jace was staring at the screen, but I saw a small, barely there smile on his lips. He was rubbing circles on my hand, probably not even knowing he was doing it, but I didn't mind.

The light from the TV shone on Chris' face, showing an expression of boredom. He watches horror films on the daily, and although I knew Saw was one of his favorites, it still wasn't enough to scare him. He just liked the plot.

Wait a second.

Oh. My. God

I nearly face palmed once I processed my own thoughts. Chris was gay. Adam was gay.

Chris needed to get over Doug, and what better way to get over someone than falling for someone new?

Sure, I suppose it depended on the depth of emotion, but I'm almost positive Chris could fall for Adam. They were opposites: Chris being outgoing and lively, funny and reckless while Adam was more reserved and in tune to his emotions.

You know what they say, opposites attract.

I frowned for a moment. Jace and I were so similar it was scary. Did that mean we would be bad together? Oh please, it's not like we would actually date. It's just a crush, it'll blow over eventually.

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