☼ R E A L I S T I C

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"I take back what I said," I spoke into my cellphone, rocking Allison. I was trying to soothe her, but it wasn't working very well. "I never want children."

"The twins are too much to handle, huh?" Jace laughed on the other end of the phone. I heard the sound of glass shattering and then Jace yelling. "Dude, what the hell? My mom is going to kick your ass!"

"Jace?" I said, amusement ringing clear in my tone. He muttered some curse words before returning to the phone.

"Sorry, Lex. Doug just dropped one of my moms nice glasses," he informed me, sounding extremely frustrated. "How about I clean this up, round up the guys, and we come help you babysit?"

"Oh my God, I would love you forever." I told him, trying my hardest to get Allison to stop crying.

"Please, you already love me. Yeah, though, I'll do it anyway." He made a kissy noise before ending the call. I rolled my eyes but smile anyway.

I groaned as Allison continued to wail. I had already managed to get Jason to fall asleep, after several hours of him screaming his head off.

The babies were only a week old, and of course Mel and Jeremy loved them just as much as parents should, but they wanted a break from crying children and diapers. I, being the noble sister I am, offered to take care of the twins while Mel and Jeremy went to visit Jeremy's friends a few towns over. It was six in the evening and they were supposed to be back by ten, so I still had a while to watch the rug-rats.

I was just happy that the guys were going to help. Sure, maybe five boys weren't the best choice to watch two one-week old babies, but they would have to suffice. I would go crazy if I had to keep doing this alone.


About half an hour after Jace ended the call, the guys showed up to Mel's apartment. Jace drove, since he was the only one who knew where Mel lived.

"Let me see the children!" A feminine voice squealed and I recognized it as Sarah. She rushed in and took Allison from my arms. "Aww!" She gushed.

"So this is Mel's apartment." Cody scowled at the room. Was that dumb crush of his still lingering? We have got to find him a steady girlfriend.

"Matthew, I want one!" Sarah said in awe as she looked at Allison's face. Matthew rushed over and gently plucked Allison from Sarah's arms, returning her to me.

"Oh, no you don't. Not for another at least ten years." He shook his head, a wide eyed look on his face.

"Ten years? What?" Sarah looked shocked.

"Okay, maybe not ten years, but not anytime soon, either," Matthew reiterated. "Just please help Lex take care of the babies. Don't kidnap them - just help Lex."

"Fine, fine." Sarah agreed reluctantly. She once again took Allison from me, and the baby basically stopped crying right away.

"How did you do that?" I questioned in confusion. I'd been trying for hours to manage what Sarah had achieved in seconds.

"I don't know. I'm just good with kids, I suppose." She shrugged, rocking Allison lightly as they sat on the black, leather couch.

"I guess I don't have the motherly touch." I muttered, falling to the recliner beside the couch.

"Remind me to not get you pregnant when we're married." Jace sat on the arm of the chair and I snorted. The boys and Sarah exchanged slightly confused looks.

"It's our plan." I said as explanation. That just kind of made them more unsure. "We plan to marry each other if we don't have spouses by the time we're twenty-eight."

"They'll be married before that." Chris grumbled, but once he realized Jace and I heard him, he covered it up with an exaggerated cough and a guilty smile.

"Anyway, isn't there another kid?" Doug piped up and Cody nodded his head, also curious. I pointed towards the room with an open door.

"He's in there, but be careful to not wake him up. I finally got him asleep an hour ago." I demanded and they nodded before quickly running into the bedroom, Chris trailing behind them. Almost immediately, we could hear Jason's loud crying. I groaned.

"You shouldn't have trusted them." Jace told me, but his point was mute. I already realized this.

"I know." I snapped, sighing as I stood to go to the bedroom. I leaned against the door frame and watched as the boys stared in concern at the baby, their eyes wide as they shushed Jason. I coughed and they all jumped guiltily.

"I didn't do it!" Cody exclaimed, pushing past me to get out of the room. I stretched myself so that the whole door was covered.

"Well?" I looked expectantly at the two remaining boys.

"He did it!" They both yelled at the same time, pointing at one another. I glared and they both looked sort of nervous.

"Fine," Doug mumbled. "I did it. Chris didn't do anything. I didn't do anything though, I swear! I just picked up his hand and he woke up and started crying!"

"Chill, Doug. Go get Sarah, maybe she can help. First, though, I need to talk to Chris."
Doug nodded and slipped past me.
I shut the door and gave Chris a sympathetic look. "Chris."

"What?" He stared at me like I was out of my mind. I guess I did look sort of strange, walking slowly towards him with a sad expression.

"What's going on with you? You've been acting strange lately. Only around Doug, though," I gave him a once over. I was finally going to voice my suspicions. "Chris, do you...do you have feelings for Doug? I won't judge you, I -"

"W-what?" He stuttered, snorting. His face was red and he scratched the back of his neck. "I'm not gay, if that's what you're asking."

"Chris, it's okay if you -"

"Just shut up, shut up!" He cried, looking frustrated. Then, with looking at the floor, he heaved a sigh. Much quieter, he said, "I'm sorry, Lex. I-I, I mean, I've felt this way for a while, but I didn't think anyone would notice. I thought if I didn't tell anyone, it'd go away."

"Chris," I soothed, placing a hand under his chin so he'd look at me. "It's alright to have these feelings. I don't care if you're gay."

"That's just it, Lex. I'm not gay. I don't like guys, yet I'm not really attracted to girls either. Doug is the only one that I really - connect with, you know?" He looked extremely embarrassed, so I gave him a small smile.

"That's okay, Chris. Still, I have to be realistic here. Doug is straight, he makes that clear by how many girls he sleeps with. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is." I suck as a friend, but I can't fill Chris' head with false thoughts. Dreams and delusions are two very different things.

"You think I don't know that? Of course I do. Lex, you can't tell anyone. I mean it. The boys will make fun of me." He pleads, sounding desperate. I nod, though I'm sure the guys wouldn't do that.

"Okay." I whisper.

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