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"All I'm saying is that you need a little change in your life, Lex

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"All I'm saying is that you need a little change in your life, Lex. Eat the Skittles." Jace commands, pushing a King Sized bag of sour Skittles towards me. I scowl and push them back. I hate Skittles and he knows it.

"The day I eat Skittles is the day you eat M&Ms." I retort and he rolls his eyes.

"Fair point." He mutters, popping a green Skittle into his mouth. He hates M&Ms just as I hate Skittles. I don't know what it is about those little candies, but I find them absolutely disgusting.

Jace loves chocolate almost as much as me, but he says M&Ms have a terrible flavor and don't even taste like actual chocolate. Of course, I oppose of his opinion, but that doesn't matter to Jace.

"Jace," I begin, watching him organize his Skittles by color. What a freak. He looks up with a placid look, as if I'd interrupted something very important. "I'm thirsty."

"Then get a drink." He says, his tone bland, as if saying 'duh'.

"I don't like that waitress. She stares at me like I'm the poster child for AIDS or something." I grimace, glaring at the waitress across the diner from us. Her bright red hair was piled on top of her head in a messy yet cute bun and even though she wasn't dressed in anything fancy, she looked gorgeous. It irked me.

I don't know why she hated me, but every time I came to the diner and ordered, it seemed as if the saying 'service with a smile' flew straight out the window. Funny how she was always sweet as sugar when the boys ordered.

"Relax, Lex. El's just threatened by you," he rolled his cerulean blue eyes and I stared at him, encouraging him to elaborate. "Every guy looks at you like their mentally undressing you. It probably knocks her self esteem way down."

I snort mentally. As if. El, the waitress, was stunning.

"At least, I know I mentally undress you." Jace wiggles his eyebrows and I lean across the sticky red table to slap his arm. He winces and rubs at where I hit him.

"Please, just order me a drink?" I beg, using the same puppy dog eyes from yesterday. Jace narrows his eyes but gives in anyway, heaving a sigh.

"Waitress!" He calls. El turns and basically sprints away from the customer she was helping to come to Jace's service. I don't mentally snort this time.

"Yes?" El smiles broadly, showing all of he perfect white teeth. Sure, my teeth are pretty nice too, but hers could be on an ad for a dentist.

"A half Pepsi, half Coke," Jace says without fail. I smile in pride that Jace didn't even have to ask what I wanted. It just goes to show how close we are. "That'll be it."

"Okay," El writes it down on her little pad, yet still keeping her deep brown eyes trained on Jaces face. Subtle. "I'll bring that right out."

After Little Miss Priss disappeared behind the counter I let out an irritated sigh. I really hate that girl. She looks at me as if I'm of less worth than the dirt on the bottom of her shoe. I'm not one to usually care about others opinions of me, but it just bugs me that she is so nice and blatantly flirty with my friends, then cold and rude to me.

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