☼ S U R P R I S E

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To say I was in shock would be an understatement.

I was confused, lost, and all around weirded out. I mean, yeah, I've had suspicions about Chris for a while now, but to hear him actually admit it? It was strange.

You see, I have nothing against gay people. I don't see the difference between a gay guy and a straight guy other than the fact that one likes girls and the other doesn't. They can still act the same, just be into different genders.

The thing about Chris being gay, or whatever he was, was that it was just so completely unexpected. All throughout middle school and sophomore year, Chris had dated plenty of girls. He was actually a player once upon a time.

I found it odd that he never dated anyone, or even slept with anyone for that matter, for over a year. Now, knowing why, I could see why it was so obvious. The way he acted when Doug bragged about bagging a girl was basically how I acted when I had a crush on Jacob Young in seventh grade and he flirted with some eighth grade chick. Not nicely, that's for sure.

In no way did this revelation change the way I felt about Chris. He is still one of my best friends and if he doesn't want to share his secret, I won't be the one to spread it. It's his business, not mine.

"Lex?" Jace spoke hesitantly, only moments after Chris had scurried out of the room. I turned and shot a wary smile at my best friend. "Is something wrong? Chris just bolted out of here. I was his ride, so..."

"Um, everything's fine. He just got a call from his mom about, uh...needing to feed Cracker." I lied, using Chris' dog as a cover up. I avoided Jace's eyes, but I felt them on me.

"Okay..." He trailed off. "Anyway, Allison is asleep. Can Sarah put her in the crib?"

"Oh, yeah, sure. I'll get Allison. Jason seemed to fall back asleep as well." I walked past Jace and into the living room, where I took Allison gently from Sarah's arms. Sarah jutted out her bottom lip, clearly sad to be saying goodbye to the little baby.

"She's so cute. Ugh, why am I only eighteen?" Sarah whined, her expression one of pure distaste.

"Relax, babe. We'll be married with a kid in less than ten years." Matthew grinned at her, clearly amused by her reaction when I took Allison away.

"Is this your way of proposing?" Sarah joked, raising an eyebrow. Thoughts of Allison seemed to temporarily leave her.

"Oh baby, you'll know when I'm proposing to you." Matthew winked, grabbing her waist and dragging her closer to him across the couch. Their eyes were clouded with lust and I felt both grossed out and as if I was intruding on some sort of moment.

"Woah, you too, at least wait til you get home," Jace intervened, quickly interrupting whatever was going on between the couple. "Nobody wants to see you two get it on like rabbits."

Sarah blushed and Matthew chuckled. Doug shrugged and spoke. "I don't know. I'm all up for free porn."

"Dude." Matthew snapped, and without needing to say anything else, Doug quickly shut his mouth.

I rolled my eyes and finally took Allison into her room and into her crib. Before I set her down, though, I heard Sarah say something else to Matthew.

"We better have a daughter first!"


It was Saturday, a day after babysitting the twins, when Jace called my cellphone. I was groggy considering I had just woken up and with a glance at my clock, I saw that it was only 5:56.

I groaned into the phone. "What the hell, Jace?"

"I see you're awake." He noted, laughing lightly. I, however, was not amused. I got cranky if I got up unwillingly. So basically, I was cranky every school day.

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