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"So, will you please explain why you woke me up so early?" I ask Jace as he drives us through Miami. The corner of his mouth pulls up in a sort of satisfied smile as his fingers tap against the wheel.

"You'll see." He answers, using a sing-song voice.

"I don't like this cryptic crap." I snap, though I'm not really angry. Still, I'm slightly aggravated about being woken up so incredibly early on a Saturday.

"Relax, Lex. You can take a nap later. You'll be very happy when you see why I woke you up." He sent a wink my way, before returning his gaze to the street.

"Well, you can tell me now and save me the wait." I countered and he sighed, rolling his eyes. I could see the aggravation finally showing on his face.

"Alexis Isobel Hamilton, have you ever heard of the saying 'patience is a virtue'?" Jace spoke, his tone laced with irritation.

"Jason Zachary Winchester, how many times have I told you not to call me by my full name?" I teased. I hated both my first and middle names. Alexis Isobel didn't really fit my personality at all.

"Hey, I hate my name too. Jason Zachary? Sounds like a nerdy name to me. That's why I go by Jace, it's mysterious and hot, like me." He wiggled his eyebrows and I pretended to gag. We laughed and then proceeded to be silent for the next about ten minutes.

"Are we almost there?" I whined in annoyance. I obviously wasn't a very patient person.

"Yes, as a matter of fact. Close your eyes, I want it to be a surprise." He demands, sending me a wink. I cross my arms over my chest.

"It already is a surprise." I point out and he groans in annoyance.

"Please just close your eyes. We're only about a minute from the destination." He pleads and I roll my eyes before covering them with my hands.

"Because you asked nicely." I say with a light chuckle.

True to his word, Jace stops the car in less than sixty seconds. Yes, I counted. He leans over and unbuckles my seat before I hear him open his door.

"Keep them covered." He commands and I comply as my door opens. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I let out a squeal of surprise and grab on tightly to his body. "I hope you know you're squeezing my ass."

His tone is playful and light, but I quickly release his butt from my hold. Instead, I wrap my arms around what I assume is his midsection.

"Hey, I didn't say you had to let go." He jokes and I pinch his side, making him jump and nearly drop me.

"Remind me to never do that again." I say as I catch my breath from the nearly falling scare. "Can I open my eyes now?"

He sets me down and I feel a soft material beneath me. "Sure."

I open my eyes and see that we're at The Hangout, sitting on a nice quilt. There's a cooler beside us and a few pillows. I furrow my eyebrows and stare at Jace expectantly.

"You've said your favorite part of the day is when the sun rises, but that you're never awake to see it. I figured, why not take a day to go see the sun rise at the beach?" He sounds a little nervous and I can't help the sensation that washes over me.

I really want to kiss him.

I feel my eyes widen and I quickly avert my gaze from Jace's face. I know my cheeks are probably a bright scarlet, but I can't comprehend any of it.

Jace has taken me to plenty of nice things and has said even sweeter words to me before, yet I just had the urge to kiss him.

I just had the urge to kiss my best friend of over ten years. I just had the urge to kiss Jace. The Jace that I spend nearly every second with. The Jace that knows me like the back of his hand. The Jace that I'd do anything for.

I felt Jace's probably confused gaze on me, but I was too busy trying to process all the thoughts flying through my mind.

Let's see. Have I ever kissed Jace before? That would be a no. Have I ever wanted to before today? I can't lie, I most likely have. Am I attracted to Jace? Sometimes, I mean, he does have a nice body. Am I comfortable with Jace? More so than with anybody else. Do I love Jace? Absolutely.

Do I like like Jace? I don't know.

Lately, I've been ultra sensitive to everything he does as well as his words. I've been going over people's comments about how we act like a couple, and although I usually brush it off, it doesn't change the face that they're right.

I know we act like boyfriend and girlfriend, and I've known that for years. Still, I've never actually imagined being Jace's girlfriend. I mean, he's Jace. He's my best friend.

"Lex?" He snaps his fingers in front of my face and pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Jace," I breathe. Quickly, my voice returns to normal as I cough. "I can't believe you did this. This is probably one of the sweetest things you've ever done, let alone anyone else."

"See, I can be a gentleman." He smiles smugly and I snort. There, this is how I'm supposed to feel. Not unsure about my feelings, just comfortable with my best friend. "Hey, Lex?"

"Hmm?" I hum as I watch the light blue waves crash against the shore.

"How much do you love me?" He grins sheepishly as he rubs the back of his neck. I narrow my eyes at him.


"Because I don't want you to hate me after this." He answers vaguely before lifting me for the second time. I let out a string of curse words once I realize what he's doing.

Before I can escape from his grip, we're both under the salty ocean water, the sun slowly rising in the sky.


"Remember Sylvia Roland?" I question, throwing a peanut up in the air before catching it in my mouth. Jace watching me with amused eyes.

It's dark outside and we're sitting by the fire in our swimsuits. My clothes as well as his are currently drying on a log a few feet away. It was only about seven, but the sun had already set.

We had a great time playing in the water and eating the snacks he'd had prepared. It was basically the definition of the best day ever.

I twirled a damp lock of hair around my finger as I waited for him to respond. My naturally dark hair was even darker due to the water.

"How could I not? After I slept with her, she took the used condom and taped it to her pocket door as a reminder of 'our night together'. She is insane." Jace shudders and I laugh.

Jace has slept with plenty of girls, which makes him have several funny sex stories.

"Who was that one chick that you said screamed out 'Mickey Mouse' instead of your name?" I query with barely contained laughter. He cringes.

"Stephanie Michelson. I still don't even know why that happened."

"What, the having sex with her part or the Mickey Mouse part?" I raise an eyebrow. He shrugs, taking some peanuts from me.


I nod and I am suddenly struck with a thought. "Jace, how long has it been since you slept with someone?"

He sort of freezes before coughing. Almost immediately, the smug look returns to his face. "Why? Want to be the next one?"

"Ew." I scrunch up my nose. "Knowing you, you probably have some type of disease."

"My mom has gotten me tested every month since I hit puberty." He informs me with a unamused expression. I chuckle and he answers my question. "It's been about two weeks."

I tilt my head slightly as I think about his words. We've spent so much time together that I find difficulty trying to remember any moment where he could've been with someone.


I shrug and we continue talking for a few more hours before we go to his house and fall asleep.


Oh my god I'm a terrible person I haven't updated in forever

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