☼ W I L D

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The Sunday morning after Jace and I went to the beach, I was awoken not from the sun, but from the loud voices of two of our friends.

"Eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight!" Cody sang, highly off pitch. He wouldn't be winning American Idol anytime soon, that's for sure.

"Wait, I thought we were going to sing Living on a Prayer?" Matthew spoke in confusion.

"Damn it, all eighties songs sound the same!" Cody exclaimed in resignation. I opened my eyes and glared at the two idiots in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped, aggravated for being woken up early two days in a row. "It's early."

"Actually, it's one in the afternoon." Matthew mused, pointing at the digital clock on Jace's nightstand. I humphed.

"And we're here to take you guys to the mall. We're going to scope out chicks." Cody informed me, a sly smirk on his face.

"Correction, he's going to scope out girls, along with Jace." Matthew reiterated. I groaned and slammed my face into the pillow. I was still tired.

"What about me?" Jace mumbled beside me.

"You and Cody are going to 'scope out chicks'." I replied. "His words, not mine."

"I'm not in the mood." Jace grumbled, wrapping an arm around my waist and sliding me to him.

Matthew and Cody shared knowing glances. "Fine. We'll buy you two pretzels while you get your manicures."

"Shut up, Cody." Jace sighed.

"At least be my wing man? Help me get the girls?" Cody pleaded, sounding absolutely desperate. Wow. Teenage boys and their wild hormones.

"Whatever. Just let me lay here for a few more minutes." Jace waved a hand at Cody and Matthew, who chuckled.

"Be ready in ten." Matthew called as they exited the bedroom.

"I don't feel like going to the mall." I told Jace, pulling the blankets up higher. He made a sound of agreement before dragging himself, and the blanket, out of bed. "Hey!"

"If I am forced to endure a day with dumb and dumber, you can too." Jace said, flicking my nose. I stick my tongue out at him and hesitantly get out of his comfortable bed.

Jace had one of those beds that form around your body, so it was basically like sleeping on a cloud. It was also king-sized, which gave you plenty of room to spread out on.

Don't tell Jace this, but I sometimes use him just for his bed.

"You know, we haven't had movie night in a few weeks." Jace informed me as he pulled a shirt over his head.

"Someone's always busy." I frown slightly as I dig through his dresser. Jace gave me two designated drawers that I stuff some of my clothes in, seeing as how I'm almost always at his house. Usually, though, I just wear his clothes. They're more comfortable anyway.

"We should definitely do it this weekend. I mean, we can't let our group split up." He spoke in half amusement, half seriousness. I nodded.

We got dressed quickly and hurried downstairs to meet up with the boys. It was decided that we'd take Matthews car, so once we all piled in, he drove us to the mall.


"You should buy a dress." Sarah mused, chewing on a fry. I shot her a glare and she laughed.

Sarah had arrived about twenty minutes ago, seeing as she had nothing to do. We were currently sitting in the food court, munching on some McDonald's while Cody worked his magic. Jace was standing beside Cody and he looked absolutely bored. Matthew had gone to the bathroom moments ago, so that just left Sarah and I, not that I minded.

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