Shota paused in the story to take a deep breath and continued as Hitoshi and the Hotta Brothers listened in a state of suspense. ---------------------- The blast shook the entire building.
Akemi and the Yuriemoto's instantly knew something was wrong. "Was that an earthquake?"
"We should go with the other pros!" ---------------------- The fight they didn't see...
Akemi was going into battle mode and saved an elderly couple from falling. *What The Heck Is Going On?!*
Akemi and the Yuriemoto's ran into the Pussycats. "Mandalay do you have any idea of what's going on?"
"No idea!"
Nobuyuki didn't like this. This didn't feel like aftershocks from an earthquake...the next shake would validate his suspicions.
"The cell service isn't working!"
As soon as Akemi heard that her eyes turned towards her father and mother. They shared a glance and knew what was happening. They had to protect these people.