Chapter 295: The Dream of Sir Nighteye

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I'm really proud of this chapter

Izuku Midoriya didn't walk up to the stage, no instead he went over to stand before All Might, Mister Aizawa, Ochaco, Asui, Kirishima, Amajiki, Nejire, and last of to Mirio.

" well...I would like if you all could join me on stage please."

Toshinori smiled and immediately stood to place a hand upon the boy's shoulder before heading to the stage. Shota nodded in understanding as did the others. Mirio stood up with a grin and a thumbs up.

"Of Course Midoriya!"

Midoriya and Mirio both turned to Eri and held out their hands.

"But surly you can't forget about Eri-Chan Izuku?"

Midoriya grinned. "Of course not! I honestly don't think I can make it through this without your comforting hugs Eri."

Eri blinked at their smiling face then nodded softly as she took their hands. She had a feeling she knew who Deku's paper was about.

The nice man with glasses.

They all stood on the stage. Midoriya stood in front on the microphone with Toshinori flanking the right of him and Mirio holding Eri's hand to the left of him with the others. After Eri was a pale faced Amajiki who was adamantly bowing his head from the gazes of the audience. His hand was gripping Nejire's shoulder in a death grip. Nejire just giggled softly over their nerves kitten as she stood beside Ochaco, Asui, and Kirishima.

Shota was standing next to Toshinori.

Toshinori placed a comforting hand on Midoriya's shoulder and it grounded him from his racing thoughts. It felt like the moment after All For One's attack on Kamino Ward, back when they were on the beach after he met with All Might again. Just like a parental supporter, Toshinori would be there for his student. Midoriya suddenly felt as if the predecessors of One For All were also backing him up as well. His heart felt warm, like his very soul was being surrounded in a hug.

It gave him the confidence he needed to start his speech.

"S-Some people would say that if everything is caused by a predetermined fate, then God must be incredibly unfair and cruel to let an innocent child be tortured by Chisaki. However I don't believe God would willingly be so cruel to a child...I can't imagine a world without seeing Eri in it. She's been a blessing for this school."

"When-when Mirio lost his quirk and Sir Nighteye feared that all our efforts would be in vain...I-I was able to show Sir Nighteye the dream I intended to uphold. The-The same dream as Mirio Togata and everyone here at U.A.! And that's to become a Pro Hero!"

He gulped down his sudden nerves and spoke willing his voice to remain steady.

"Fate, is a concept most people don't like to think about. They feel despair at the idea that there is some mystical force existing to order the universe around. A force that dictates who succeeds and who fails in life, or those who live or die young, simply because it was meant to be. I-I can't even begin to imagine the burden Sir Nighteye had to bare with his Foresight Quirk."

He faltered and Toshinori's grip tightened slightly to soothe him.

Shota's eyes dimmed as he reached up beneath his capture scarf and gripped the goggles.

"To see the fate of someone close to you-dying a death so horrible that you can't sleep. Silently wondering if every fight your friend takes will be his last..."

He gripped his shirt over his heart in a clenched fist.

"God-it must have been so brutal to be constantly worrying over your friend from a distance...never reaching out-not until..." His eyes widened suddenly when Toshinori's hand had a painful grip on his shoulder. Midoriya turned his head with a regretful side-eye gaze towards Toshinori, who was now bitting his lower lip with his eyes closed tightly. The man's body was shaking from a repressed urge to sob.

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