Chapter 217: I'm Not Famous

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Hitoshi wiped his eyes and Shota noticed he abruptly stood up after he finished his story and sighed softly as he turned to face his son.

"Come on, the nights still young, and I still need to train you in the art of proper landing strategies."

Hitoshi stood up in surprise by the sudden shift in conversation before he realized what his father said and why they were up here.

"La-Landing Strategies...Wha..."

Shota didn't even bother answering him as he lashed out his capture scarf to wrap around a horizontally mounted flag pole on the side of a office high-rise and swung down like Spider-Man towards the next building three stories lower. Hitoshi ran over to the edge.

"Wait dad!"

Shota rapidly jumped onto the multiple overhanging gargoyles of the second building and then rapidly jumped down into a small alleyway. He leapt in between two walls and did a parkour zigzag motion down towards the ground. He was insanely fast and lite on his feet as he was leaping from wall to wall, before ninja rolling into a standing position safely on the ground.

Shota turned and looked up at his son who was forty feet above him two buildings over on the office high-rise. "Don't even attempt to copy me just yet son! You get down your own way!"

Hitoshi paled and he figured he would do the flagpole then gargoyle before snagging the edge of fire escape on the next building over. At least he hoped he could pull this off! That hero entrance exam wasn't like this!

He gulped as he managed to lash out at the flagpole with his scarf. He tugged it to make sure it was secure and steeled his nerves. He took a deep breath and jumped. He didn't scream like most people would, he had to stay focused on the incoming gargoyles!

He unraveled the scarf from the flagpole and lashed out towards the gargoyle before he could descend to far and successfully snagged a gargoyle by its neck and swung out releasing the gargoyle before landing onto the fire escape of a building with a rattling clang of his feet and hands connecting with the metal railings. He had a white knuckled death grip on the railing as he hung upon the edge with wide eyes. He was breathing heavily. *Thank God I did it!* He finally evened out his rapid breathing.

Shota smirked at him in pride, well after his rapidly pounding heart stopped freaking out on him! He wasn't that risky at that age but if Hitoshi had been any slower with the gargoyle he would've been in serious trouble and Shota had been two seconds away from reacting.

Hitoshi descended the stairs and grinned. "So where to next dad?"

Shota internally sighed then smirked. "Oh I was just thinking we could go raid Hizashi's radio station for free food and then tease the man relentlessly."

Hitoshi laughed. "I'm game lets do it!"

They arrived only to see the Cockatoo wasn't in his normal jolly radio persona. Sure he was in his hero outfit but his eyes were clouded and dimmed with past memories. He was playing an old music video from his youth on the large tv screens.

Shota's eyes widened as the grinning face of Shira-Kumo was on the video screen playing the keyboard piano.

He remembered this day. They were in the radio station playing a hoard of songs, and this was a few weeks before...before Mrs. Yamada's death. Shota saw the woman grinning brightly as Mister Yamada was bobbing his head to the song and recording it for them.

It was a song titled: Top of the World.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now