Chapter 266: Dread

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The police were systematically checking the building with one LIDAR drone and an long range infrared quirk. The LIDAR drone remained in the air and the operator spoke.

"The entire building is built mirroring the blueprints of the Murder Castle from that American Serial Killer H.H.Holmes."

The Police Chief frowned. "We're familiar with that," she turned. "Anything about his heat signature?"

The officer with the long range infrared quirk spoke to her as his eyes remained closed.

"He's in there, but it'll be a maze of death traps just trying to get to him. If he moves around then having a big group may be risky. He can easily separate us and pick us off. He has the higher ground after all."

Hayato's eyes stared at the building with a steely gaze. "I told you Chief this is ill advised."

The Chief glared at the building and stuffed a photograph into her utility belt pocket near her gun holster.

"Either you join us or not Erasure!"

"Chief I know this is personal for you over what happened to you adopted goddaughter after she disappeared from the medical school but..."

The Police Chief shifted her purple eyes towards him. "Erasure...need I say it again?" She took out her gun and reached for the ammo. "I won't hesitate to restrain you in handcuffs if you try to stop me."

Hayato scoffed. "Chief I'm with you, but note that we are doing this tactfully and strategically. He targets women and quiet frankly you being the only woman here is kind of asking for you to be the bait."

"Well, I guess I'm the bait then." She said that bluntly as she placed six bullets into her gun. "My only question is, are you going to side with the faithful Daniel...or with the snitches that are torn apart by the lions?"

"I'm with Daniel of course, but it's what's waiting for us in the den that worries me. That's not even counting the Lion."

*Why is this not settling right with me?*

Hayato cursed his luck. Shit hit the fan and everything went to Hell the moment they entered into that death trap of a house.

After narrowly avoiding a trapdoor spike pit in the foyer. Hayato almost lived out a Home Alone scene on the stairs as an 8 inch long knife swung down on a chain and narrowly lodged into his throat! As he walked up the steps he triggered that first trap when his foot pressed down on a squeaky board. Thank god that he was crouching down already to inspect a loose footboard. He froze over the blade swinging inches above his head. If the officers could hear his muffled scream then all the power to them because in that moment he saw his life flash before his eyes and it terrified him! Safe to say that his battle senses were heightened tenfold.

Hayato's confidence faded fast as the horrid realization over what those fifteen weeks of silence were for this psychopath. It was so he could perfect his killings within the comforts of this Hell House!

Like H.H.Holmes, he'd invite people over, advertising this as a hotel and only to have them meet their ends and collect the cash to fund his morbid failure of a teaching career.

For medical students, like the Police Chiefs adopted goddaughter, who had questioned his teachings at the university during his time there...he'd stalk them, and then slaughter them as a homage to Jack the Ripper for the next fifteen weeks. He'd also slaughter the black market dealers to silence any leaked information on the bodies he'd sell to them.

Hayato's fists clenched. *That-That demented psychopath.*

Just like H.H.Holmes's Murder Castle the small three leveled hotel was crafted with the mindset of a serial killer and the cunning under the rug constructions of his unorthodox building hid the sinister purpose. According to documents the man followed Holmes's footsteps by repeatedly swapping out workers during the construction process claiming in writing that their efforts simply did not meet his standards.

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