Chapter 284: The scars from a knife

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After the ice skating rink Shota and Akemi took the students and Vlad to the Ash Tree Park. They lounged close to the couple and the couple honestly didn't care.

Ibara and the other girls were making flower crowns with Eri.

Bakugo was getting a suntan when Eri walked over with a flower crown. He opened one red eye, huffed into a loud sigh, and spoke gruffly.

"Huh...go ahead I'm not going to stop you squirt."

Eri grinned and delicately placed the flower crown on his head. It was clear by the amount of flower crowns that Eri was making one for everyone.

Even Vlad got one, though he was unaware of it. He was snoring against one of the trees with his flower crown resting lopsided on his head when Hizashi arrived with Emiko in his arms. The man smirked over Vlad with a flower crown.


Shota smirked with a mock salute and a flower crown on his head.


Hizashi handed Emiko to Akemi. Suddenly Shota heard a "ow," and he turned to see Eri on the ground with a scraped up knee. The students were quick to act, but they were acting like a hoard of swarming bumblebees surrounding a single sunflower.

Hitoshi sighed heavily and shoved his way through the swarm towards his little sister, picked her up, and brought her to their parents.

Shota smirked softly and assessed her injury. "It's just a abrasion nothing a little Neosporin and a bandaid won't fix."

He grabbed the items from his utility belt and applied the Neosporin and the bandaid.

A teary eyed Eri sniffs. "It hurts..."

"I know it hurts and it'll sting a little, but it'll get better."

Akemi kissed Eri's forehead. "Here's a get better kiss sweetie."

Eri giggled softly as Akemi smiled.

Emiko looked at her daddy only to notice the more noticeable raised scars on his wrists. With Eri's little injury something in Emiko's brain clicked and she was able to finally put a word to her thoughts that alluded her.

"Baba," She pointed to the scars on his wrists. "Hurt!"

Everyone looked at Shota and he stared at Emiko in shock. Hizashi chocked on his spit and stared at his silent black haired brother in a tense state of shock.

Shota blinked and gulped. "E-Emiko..."

"Baba hurt! Baba hurt!" Emiko turned to her mommy pleading. "Ma-Ma, Baba hurt! Baba nie kiss! Ma-Ma make etter!"

Akemi eyes were moist with tears as she smiled softly behind her hand. "Emiko...Baba is fine sweetie."

Emiko squirmed in her arms before screaming and crying. "BABA HURT!"

Shota took his baby girl into his arms and hugged her in a trembling hug. "Baba was hurting for a very long time sweetie...but I'm better now because I have you, Eri, Hitoshi, Uncle Zashi, and your beautiful Mama to remind me of the better days. As well as my students."

Emiko gripped his shirt sleeve tugging on it as she whimpered. He kissed her forehead softly and spoke soothingly. "Emiko I'm fine...those were very old hurts."

"Baba?" He sighed softly and held her close.

He knew that tone. She wanted a story.

For a one year old she seemed to understand more than most infants her age, even though she was still learning to put her thoughts and words together, her memory was as sharp as his doing battle strategy. She wouldn't forget what he tells her. He knew that much already.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now