Chapter 309: Letting the Children out to play

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Inside the orphanage asylum...

A, a boy, who was no older than 16 years old walked into the central plaza were the watchtower was. He couldn't remember a time before the watchtower was there, or when the building didn't look like a cross. It was always blurry. Not that it mattered to him. He had a message to deliver. He walked up to a lone man and knelt.


A man in a black cloak sat in the middle of the cold concrete yard in meditation. "Oh...? So they've come to play have they?"

More children started to appear from the hallways where their rooms (cells) were located. The man lifted his head towards a girl who was six years old. "How many can you sense Yume?"

The girl closed her pale blue eyes and her hands glowed against the floor. She could see far beyond their asylum home. "Three tired looking man with a floating grey scarf and black hair, he has red eyes and is currently glaring at a smirking woman with spines on the ends of her black hair. And...there's another man. His aura feels strange...powerful—dark..."

Akemi had made a joke about Shota moments beforehand...

Genkaku smirked but suddenly the Demon sensed an unwanted presence surrounding Genkaku and the child got a taste of his menacing aura full force.

The Demon was not amused.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" The girl screamed over the forceful power the Demon's dark aura had and she collapsed panting on her knees as more of the children surrounded her.

"What Did You See? Answer Me Yume! NOW!"

"The man...his dark...menacing...very powerful. He's dressed in white with a head covering over his eyes...a red eye is all I saw on the head covering. He forced me back with his own aura. It was so dark...dark like death."

The man's eyes widened. "So the demon brat lives—listen my children, theses bad people claim to be heroes but do not be deceived..."

He was laying on the fake parental persona rather thick as he spoke with a sorrowful tone.

"They want to take you away from me. Away from your brothers and sisters. Your Family! That won't do at all! So that is why I'll—!"

"NO!" The boy with the bone projectile quirk spoke up with a snarl of anger. "We will handle them Sensei! Let us handle the bad people. We will make them suffer. Yes, they will suffer greatly! We won't allow anyone to separate us!"

He then faltered and bowed his head to the floor. "But...we always seek your approval first Sensei."

The other children were nodding in agreement. The orphanage was large but it's occupants were few. Forty children at best. No other adults except for their Sensei. They were self sufficient. Half the compound is built as training halls. The southern part of the cross is where the children sleep. The northern part is the training halls. The western is the medical testing facility, dining hall and lavatories. While the eastern hall is the garden. Despite the outward appearance the entire facility is up to code.

"Please, you, we won't."

The man grinned darkly as he reached out and ruffled the boys while hair. "Good Shinigami, I expect nothing less from my children. Do not fail me. But do not underestimate them."

He smirked and chuckled as he outstretched his arms. "Now, go and play with the heroes."

The children left to make their Sensei proud. Shinigami didn't leave. "Shinigami don't you want to play with your brothers and sisters?"

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now