"No it's about-WAIT! YOU AND MALFOY?!"

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-Girls Dorms, Gryffindor-

Hermione slipped out of the common room, her nightgown that was rather short, more of an oversized tee shirt, was thin and she could feel every breeze, it's cold claws digging into her skin.

She wandered the halls, careful not to wake any portraits that might snitch on her. She finally found herself in the corridor she had sat in yesterday. She slumped against the cold brick wall and put her head in between her knees.

She heard footsteps and an all to familiar voice uttered: "So we meet again."

"So we do Malfoy." Hermione said. She could clearer through the light of his wand.

He slid down next to her, in the same hoodie he'd been in the night before.

She hugged her knees to her body, she was cold and wondered if it showed.

Draco looked at her and noticed she was shivering.

"Here," He said. He pulled his hoodie off and handed it to her. "Take it, you look awful cold."

Hermione hesitated. It was a very Slytherin hoodie, not to mention it was Draco Malfoys. But she was cold and appreciated the gesture.

"Thank you." She slipped it on and felt five times warmer. "Why are you being so nice to me anyways?"

He hesitated. "Well, uh, I don't wanna be enemies." He mumbled but Hermione had exceptional hearing.

"Good. I never thought of you as an enemy." Hermione scooted closer to him, close enough to touch his hand.

Hermione slid her hand on top of his.

Draco looked down and hesitated before he turned his hand up and inter locked his fingers with hers.

Hermione blushed and leaned her head against his shoulder.

"Thank you." Draco whispered.

"For what?" She asked.

"For seeing the good side in me."


Draco walked Hermione back to her common room just before sunrise, so no one could see them, hand in hand.

He had always had a soft spot for Hermione, he just never learned how to show it. When he first saw her on their sorting day, he thought she was stunning and had secretly prayed she was is Ravenclaw or Slytherin, because they'd either be in the same house, or houses that had a good relationship.

But he was proud to say (inside his head) that he'd fallen for a Gryffindor.

Once he was back in his bed, he realized he had left his sweatshirt with her. He didn't mind, hopefully their paths would cross once more.

-That Morning, Slytherin Common Room-

"Oi mate, you've forgotten to straighten your tie!" Theo helped Draco's tie as they rushed to get ready for breakfast, they were already in the common room.

"I've got it!" Draco ran to catch up with Pansy and Blaise who were already in the halls.

The Slytherins ran to catch breakfast, and were there just in time for Draco to bump into somebody very familiar.

"Oi watch it Malfoy!" The person Draco ran into said.

"Like I care Potter."

Draco rushed into the Great Hall right before Dumbledore's morning speech.


Hermione stuffed the hoodie under her pillow like she did the night before.

She held Draco Malfoys hand, and not in a bad way. She told him she never thought of him as an enemy!

Now she was conflicted. Truth be told, she always fancied Draco, she just kept away because he was Harry's enemy.

Now, she was in her third year. This kind of stuff was getting hard to hide, she was just glad her friends were daft and didn't notice her staring at Draco, although she believed Fay had some suspicion.

She sat and waited through Dumbledore's speech, watching Draco stumble in late.

She giggled and he made eye contact and smiled.

She smiled back an returned her attention to her food when she heard a gasp to her left.

"OH MY GOD!" Fay shouted.

Hermione snapped to attention. "What is it?"

"I'll tell you later." She gave her a weird look and continued eating.

-That night, Gryffindor Girls Dorms-

"Hermione?" Fay closed the door behind Lavender and Pavarti left.

"Yes?" Hermione sat down on her bed.

"So, uh, I think I know something and I need you to be honest with me." Fay sat down on her bed.

Hermione looked down. "Is it about me and Malfoy?" Rookie Mistake.

"No it's about-WAIT! YOU AND MALFOY?!"

"Wait you didn't know?" Hermione was confused.

"I was talking about your peanut allergy! You and Malfoy?!"

"I guess I have to tell you now. Well..."

And Hermione explained.

"So you guys are kind of dating?" Fay asked.

"No, well, no. I don't think so." Hermione took out the hoodie to show Fay.

"Aww it's so cute he gave you his hoodie!" Fay smiled.

Hermione blushed.

"Wait are you meeting him tonight?" Fay asked.

"I think so, as long as he can't sleep."

-Slytherin boys Dorms-

Draco woke up at midnight and knew he couldn't get back to sleep.

He sighed and sat up, pulling on a green Slytherin shirt.

He slowly made his way out of the room, carefully stepping so he didn't wake anyone. He never did.

He rushed down the halls, searching for the corridor but soon found himself lost. He took a few turns and ended up where he was supposed to be. Sure enough, Hermione sat against the wall. She was wearing a pair of black leggings and his sweatshirt.

He sat down right next to her so there was almost no room in between them.

"Hello." She said.

"Hi." Draco smiled to himself.

"Can't sleep?" Hermione asked.

Draco nodded and she leaned against him.

"Do you ever think anyone will find out?" Draco kept his gaze forward.

"What do you mean?"

"About, um, us."

"Is there an us?" Hermione asked. The two sat in silence for a while before Draco spoke without thinking.

"Only if you want there to be."

He could feel Hermione's surprised reaction. But her words made his heart melt away.



Did he just ask me out? Hermione thought. She knew what to say, she knew. She'd known since first year, she knew her answer would be:

"Yes." She smiled at Draco who beamed back at her.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes really." Hermione uttered.

Draco stood up and Hermione followed in suit. He pulled her into a hug, picked her up and spun her around.

She'd never felt so happy in her life.

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