"C'mon man could you-"

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-Room of Requirement, a few minutes later-

"We need a plan to tell him. We can't just walk up and say that you two are dating!" Harry pulled out a scroll and a quill and began writing. "What ideas do we have so far?"

"What if Ron catches up kissing or something the way you did?" Hermione suggested.

"Perfect! Malfoy, any thoughts?"

"What if you get him here with you all here and I come in all like 'where's my girlfriend?'"

"Ok, that's...an idea." Harry wrote it down. "It can't be in a public place or somebody will spot you."

Hermione nodded.

"So which plan are we doing?" Draco asked.

"Mine." Hermione said.

"Hermiones." Harry repeated.

Draco admitted his defeat. "Ok so where?"

"We can have him walk in on us hugging or something in an empty classroom." Hermione added.

"Perfect! Oh but how would we get him there?" Harry thought.

"What if we did it right after potions? That way me and Hermione could get out first, dodge into the old biology lab and you can keep Ron later and get him out last so that everyone is gone so he can see us?" Draco said.

Harry replied. "That's brilliant! Let's do that on Monday! Oh look at the time, we'd better go."


-Monday after Potions-

Hermione closed the old biology lab door and slowly watched everyone else leave before the door swung open again and Draco strutted in.

"Hello you," He kissed her cheek and set his things down on an old desk.

"Hi Babe," Hermione sat on one of the tables and fidgeted with her skirt, she was nervous.

"Since when do you call me Babe?" Draco asked, walking towards her and setting his hands on her hips, they were at eye level which they almost never were, seeing as Draco was quite tall and Hermione was quite short.

"Since now." Hermione put her hands on his jawline.

Draco took a step closer to her so that their legs were touching.

Hermione pressed her lips to his, they had to put on a show for Ron. It didn't feel the same when it was forced, but she knew that Draco wouldn't hurt her.

He kissed back and moved his hands to her lower back. Just as it was starting to feel real, there was a bang on the door and Hermione knew their plan had started.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" Ron yelled and Hermione broke from their kiss and laid her head down on Dracos chest.

Harry closed the door and put a silencing charm on the room.

"Ron..." Hermione started. "I can explain."

"You don't need to explain. You've been shagging this piece of filth this whole time!"


"I see how it is, this is why you've been sneaking out every night! COME HERE MALFOY AND LET ME GIVE YOU A PIECE OF MY MIND!"

Draco turned away from Hermione and said: "C'mon man could you-"

"You are only toying with her heart! You're going to lead her on and then shatter her heart to pieces! I bet you don't even like her!" Ron took steps closer to Draco, Harry tried to hold him back.

"Weasley that's-"

"SHUT UP! I can't believe you! Your going to shag her then leave her out in the cold."

"I haven't shagged her!" He muttered.

"You HAVE?"

"No I said I haven't! God Weasley listen for once!"

"That's it-"

"BOYS!" Hermione yelled and Ron and Draco turned to her. "Ron, Harry, Draco, sit."

Ron and Harry took seats on the table across from Hermione and Draco stood next to her table.

"So, uh, Draco could you please explain?"

Draco looked down and then looked at Hermione. "I'm doing this for you." He said. "So basically it all started one year ago when we were in third year, neither of us could sleep so we were wandering the halls and came across each other. It became a nightly thing and soon after that I asked her if there was an us and she said only if you want there to be. And so we've been together ever since."

"When exactly was this?" Harry asked.

"Harry you already know this!" Hermione exclaimed. That set Ron off.

"Wait, Harry, you already knew?" Harry nodded.

"When you sent me out to follow her I found them snogging in the hallway." He said.

Ron looked dumbstruck. "And you told me that THERE WAS NOTHING GOING ON!"

"Hermione asked me to!" Harry passed the blame to Hermione.

Both Hermione and Draco turned red.

"I kinda did." Hermione admitted.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew you'd blow up like this."

Ron hmphed and turned his back to her.

Hermione jumped off the tabled and put one hand on Ron's shoulder.

"Ron look at me."

He turned his head, Hermione could see tears pricking his eyes but she decided not to mention it.

"Ron, you are like a brother to me. I don't want to loose you. But, I didn't tell you because I think your approval is the one I need most and it scared me if you'd say no."

"I really mean that much to you?" He asked.

Hermione nodded. "Please, don't be angry, I don't want to loose my brother."

He contemplated it for a few minutes before saying: "Oh alright. Only for you Hermione."

Hermione nodded. "Thank you." She gave Ron a hug and he whispered in her ear: "If he ever hurts you, you call me and I'll give him a punch in the face."

Hermione giggled. "I'll keep that in mind."

you are my other half - dramioneWhere stories live. Discover now