"Oh cheer up, it'll happen someday."

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Draco woke up to sunlight streaming down onto them as he held someone close to him. The person was warm and fit perfectly into Draco's arms. They smelled like coconut water and almond milk, Draco inhaled the pleasant scent all in one big breath.

He hugged them closer and them did the same. Draco felt at peace for one of the first times in his life.

"Morning Hermione." Draco said with his eyes still shut, not strong enough to open up to the sun and green grass. Draco recalled the memories from the night before, talking, eating, falling asleep under the willow tree, had they woke up yet?

"Morning Dra," She buried her head in his shoulder and he held her close.

Draco sat up, causing Hermione to fall over but he sensed something was wrong.

"Hermione what time is it?"

"I don't know, don't you have a watch?"

Draco rolled up the sleeve of his shirt and peered at the watch. The small hand was at one and the big one was at 19. It was 1:19 pm.

"Hermione it's 1 pm!"

She shot up.

"And we're still by the lake?"

She ignored Draco nod and rubbed her eyes. "Best sleep I've had in a while."

Draco nodded. "Me too." It was like magic, he had fallen asleep so quickly when he just wanted to stay awake and he had actually slept a long time. Granted they had fallen asleep sometime around four but it was still 9 hours. He usually got two.

"Draco don't we have herbology by the lake today at 1:30?!" Draco shot up.

"Oh cra-"

"You don't today." The voice of Professor Snape came from behind the tree.

"Professor!" Draco jumped, his hair was in a mess.

"You need to be more careful, both of you. I told them the squid was feeling extra hungry today. Classes are not down here. You two'd better be more discreet, or next time somebody will find out."

He was gone like that, not giving either a chance to retort.

"Oh," Hermione sat back down on the blanket. "So I guess we can stay here."

"Rule abiding Hermione wanting to skip class?! I'm shocked."

"Relax, it's because I would rather, uh, spend time with you." She said the last part so softly Draco could barely hear it.

"Me too."


The two sat under the tree and talked until dinner came around and they got hungry, seeing as they hadn't eaten in a while, they were forced to say goodbye at the lake.

Draco wrapped his arms around Hermione and she felt safe and warm. She could feel his heart beat against his chest.

"Tonight?" She asked.

He nodded and they broke apart.

She jogged off to the castle but it was to late when she realized she was still wearing his hoodie, well, Draco's hoodie.

She tried to hid it but it was to late.

She had seen it.

"Relax Hermione it's just me." Fay's voice boomed through the empty halls, filling the silent void.

"Oh thank goodness. How do I get this back without the rest of everybody noticing?" Hermione asked.

"Try insiding it out. That way it's just green. Nobody's gonna get mad at you for having a green sweatshirt."

Fay helped Hermione's trembling hands fix the jacket.

"Thanks Fay."

"No problem. Here comes some people, I'll distract them." Before Hermione could thank her again, she ran off yelling: "Anybody want some gum?"

Hermione ran all the way back to the Gryffindor dorms and was disappointed to see her friends sitting in the common room.

Ginny immediately shot up and ran into her arms.

"Ohmygodwherehaveyoubeensomuchhashappenedwaitwhydoyouhaveagreen-OW!" Ginny was cut off by Hermione elbowing her and giving her a look that read: We will talk about it later. They never did end up talking about it.

Harry got up next.

"Hermione where have you been? We've all been so worried. You missed ALL your classes!" He stood in front of her as if she had done something wrong, but his expression softened and he pulled her into a hug, a brotherly one.

"Glad to see you too Harry. To answer your question, I was, uh, in the hospital wing."

"Why?" Hermione tried to convey her message in a look and Harry seemed to get the silent message.
"Oh-OH. Um, are you ok?" He tried to be nice about it.

"Harry I am fine now and that's all that matters. Now what homework did I miss?"


Draco walked back into the dorms where Blaise was waiting for him back in their room.

"So how'd it go?"

"It was AMAZING..." Draco became somewhat of a fangirl but he didn't care. He told Blaise about the whole night, about the stargazing and falling asleep in her arms.

"You have to tell me how you do it Malfoy. You can get the mortal enemy but I can't get a girl from our own house to go out with me."

"Oh cheer up, it'll happen someday."

Draco gave him a pat on the shoulders.

Blaise gave him a sad look. "Yes it will."

Draco sent Blaise away as he tried to get a few hours in before he had to meet Hermione.

He fell asleep fast and didn't even notice that he slept over their meeting time entirely.

The next morning, he woke up early and looked at the clock, realizing what he had done.

It was a Saturday and he had nothing to do, other than go apologize to Hermione.

He jumped out of bed and put on a clean pair of joggers and a tank top the shade of his eyes.

He did take time to comb his hair as he ran out to find Hermione.

He ran through the halls until he saw her with her friends walking into the Great Hall.

He couldn't pull her aside, so he slowly walked in anyway.


When Hermione walked out, she felt a tug at her sleeve and she was pulled behind a statue.

"Hey get of-Draco?" Hermione looked right into his stormy grey eyes. They were beautiful.

"I'msosorrryimissedlastnightioversleptandihavenoexcuse." He put his hands in Hermione's and looked down.

"Draco I wasn't waiting for you. I overslept too. I guess I should be the one apologizing." Hermione leaned against the cold stone wall behind the statue.

"No, don't. Neither of us were at fault." He looked up.

Their eyes locked and Hermione swore that if she hadn't had to leave that moment that she would have gotten her first kiss that day.

"Draco, I have to go. Harry and Ron are expecting me back." He nodded and let go of her hands.

"Tonight. As long as neither of us over sleep." Hermione turned her back to Draco and walked off in the direction of the Gryffindor common rooms.

Draco watched as she walked off. She wasn't wearing a traditional uniform. She was wearing a skirt, a short sleeved collared shirt and a hair bow with her house colors on it.

Draco watched as her bow bobbed up and down as she walked away.

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