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This chapter is dedicated to these guys:
🔘 daydreamer-r
🔘 hasghusbejsoa
🔘 TristenBell6
🔘 AlessandraCiampi
🔘 jasmine56260

Thanks for readings💘

Leo's Pov

*Beep beep beep*
Ugh my alarm on my stupid phone, I leaned over to hit the snooze button on my iPhone 11 to find it read ..6:00am.. What?! I thought it was meant to wake me up at 8:30am you the hell changed my alar— I was thinking till my thoughts we're interupted by a fit of little voices giggling from around my door frame I could recognize those laughs anywhere, Alaric, Lorenzo and Bella. I swear they've been hanging out Chris and Michael too much.

"You've got 10 seconds head start so you better start running," I said before hearing "Oh shit I'm out good like dying bitches," haha Lorenzo.

"Wait for me Lorenzo, Alaric can be our scape goat!" I laugh as I hear Bella yell.

"What why me aww no wait WAIT guys," I hear Alaric scream after them.

Bella's POV
If you didn't know by now Leo is not a morning person and when you says he set an alarm at 8:30 I mean he set an alarm for 8:30, 8:45, 9:00, 9:10, 9:30 and still wakes up at 11:30ish. To be honest I'm surprised he woke up at the alarm we set for him.

As I we were running away we made it down the 3 fights of stairs and a few lefts and a couple right turns which I lost Lorenzo in one of those corridors all the way to the back yard which was literally a huge patch of grass then a giant forest. With Lorenzo safe hiding somewhere I could here Alaric screaming that Leo wasn't too far behind us I realized something. I don't need to our run Leo I just gotta out run poor little Ricky. I could fell my evils grin appearing on my face as I thought of a devious plan.

Just ahead of me was Ariano's little splash pool which was kind a a big leap and knowing Rick couldn't jump that well and knowing he would still follow my every movement so taking my chances a jumped and kept running till I heard a huge splash, a scream and Leo trying to pick up Alaric I took this as my chance to double back to the house beelining it straight to the only person who could save me Amaria.

Amaria was Liams wife she was the only motherly/ sister figure I had after loosing my mum. She's really nice unless you get on her bad side and she's a scary bad ass bitch and she's the only and I mean Only person my gang are afraid to mess with.

The plan official is in 3 weeks. We tried to do the plan yesterday but it went to shit we where there for 9 hours from basically 10pm and there was nothing no sign maybe we weren't thinking this through properly we have to wait awhile so he thinks we won't except the attack as for Olivia and those guys they just kept ordering food that night and I spent over 1200 dollars flipping hell.

Leo's POV
As I searched around the house for a while after throwing the other top pranksters I'm the pool, I was still looking for Bella when I heard her giggling and chatting away to Liam's wife.

I hid around the corner peaking in seeing Isabella smiling was such a good thing shes been so stressed out lately with the whole revenge on the Rikers gang and Ryder we all want him to suffer but she's been almost obsessed with the whole problem. The poor girl after what he did destroy her and our family after all he did kill our parents.
Hey guys
Thanks for all the love and support I'll try to write more often if you have any character suggestions good or bad let me know
Love ya 💕

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