Chapter 1

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Emily POV

I woke up with a crushing weight on my chest. I opened my eyes to find my little brother, Jack, laying on top of me, looking right back at my with his big brown, curious eyes. It still amazes me that after everything he's been through, he still has that look on his face that tells you that he wants to know more.

"Good morning short stuff." I mumbled sleepily. His smile faltered for only a second before he started speaking.

"I am not short." he shot back, "But good morning to you too bed head." He set his small hand on top of my head and tried to smooth down my hair.

Today was my first day back at school, and I can't wait to get out of this house. I quickly moved Jack off of my body and picked out my black ripped skinny jeans, my gray tank top, and my red and black flannel. I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower and dried my hair. I let my long, dark brown fall in its natural waves and put on light makeup.

I walked back out to find Jack sitting on my bed, talking to my little sister Jade. I have no clue what they were talking about, but as soon as they see me they give me a thumbs-up. They are both dressed and ready to go, so I grab a quick breakfast and take them to my old car. Luckily, the foster monster was passed out on the couch, so I didn't have to deal with him this morning.

I drove to the middle school which is right beside the elementary school and let Jade out. She mumbled a quick thanks to me and then got out of the car to meet up with her friends.

"Do you know what's going on with her?" I asked Jack, but all he did was shrug slightly which made me wonder if he actually knew or not. I rolled my eyes and then drove over to the elementary school to drop him off.

"Bye weirdo!" he exclaimed as he scrambled out of the car before I could reply. I rolled my eyes playfully at him before I started driving to the high school. As soon as I got there, I recognized Hanna's car in the parking lot. I got out of the car and was met by my best friends giving me a warm smile. I walked over to her and she immediately hooked her arm around mine.

"Ah, just another day in hell." she said which made me laugh. We continued to walk down the hallway until we met up with our other friends, Aria and Spencer.

"Hey tiny and tiny's bodyguard." I greeted them.

"Will you please stop calling us that." Spencer whined as she rolled her eyes at me. I was about to reply to her when someone came up behind me and placed their hands over my eyes.

"Guess who?" Alison's angelic voice whispered in my ear. She knows how much I hate when she surprises me, but I don't mind it today for some reason.

"I don't know. Could it possibly be the only person that gives Aria competition at being the shortest?" I teased. She scoffed as she took her hands away from my eyes, but as soon as she I saw her, we both had huge smiles plastered on our faces. She wrapped her small arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist. It was a short hug, but it was still more than the others got.

"I'm really not that short by the way." she said.

"You're only like 2 inches taller than her." I reminded her.

"Yeah but in these heels I'm almost as tall as you." she pointed out.

"Key word there is almost, baby carrot." I said. A smile crept on her face when she heard me call her by the nickname I gave her when we were younger.

"Whatever mermaid." She rolled her eyes playfully at me.

"Are you guys done yet?" Spencer asked, "Class starts in like five minutes." I rolled my eyes at her. Of course she would want to get to class early, she can't learn if she doesn't have a seat right in the center of the front row. We all went to our first class, which we all have together. English should be fun if I have Ali there with me. She'll talk to me the entire time but she will still get really good grades. Everyone thinks that since she's the most popular girl in school, she doesn't do well. Who even came up with that stereotype?

Oh yeah, I may have forgotten to mention that no one at this school knows about me being a foster kid. Not even my best friends know. It's better if they don't. I don't want to be their little charity case that they feel needs to be protected. I've done just fine on my own, even if I haven't always been alone. My older brother Ethan used to help me around the house when we were younger, but he went off into the army when he graduated so now it's just me taking care of Jade and Jack.

The day seemed to drag on for a really long time, but as soon as the last bell rang, I wish the day was even longer because now I have to go back to the house and face the foster monster if I like it or not. I dragged myself out of the classroom to find Ali standing outside the door. God, she is so beautiful.

Oh yeah, there's another thing about me. I'm desperately in love with my best friend.

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