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Ailani☺️🥴:Help me pick a color

KK😬😂:For what

Ailani☺️🥴:My nails

KK😬😂:Lemme guess you stuck between two

Ailani☺️🥴:And you would be fuckin right and my friends left me to  go get some food☹️ they asses better bring me back some

KK😬😂:Now what if they don't 🤣🤣

Ailani☺️🥴:Mmcht. Mane peach or a ombré from very light pink to a light pink

KK😬😂:WhAt the fuck is mmcht💀💀 and the ombré shit I guess

Ailani☺️🥴:mmcht is me smacking my lips and thank you mr 20 year old 🙃

Ailani☺️🥴:Hey don't be mean bitch🤣🤣 don't worry I turn 18 soon🤗

KK😬😂:Good ain't about to have some dumb shit on my record 😒

Ailani☺️🥴:Don't worry I won't let them take you, see other men tried to fuck with me was  like 30s 40s one time a 74 year old man tried to get me into a van

KK😬😂:Wait what you do for a living

Ailani☺️🥴:Sell that good good😎

KK😬😂:😗 "911 I would like to report a drug dealer"

Ailani☺️🥴:Don't take my line🤣🤣I'm playing I model but I graduated early

KK😬😂:Tattoo Designer

Ailani☺️🥴:Do you own your own parlor? If so I might come down there and get one😫

KK😬😂:I'll give ya a small discount🤷🏽‍♂️

Ailani☺️🥴:Bet Anyway it's my turn to get my nails done ttyl


KK😬😂:This random you ever poked your bootyhole or coochie with your nails before

Ailani☺️🥴:So I can't get my nails done in peace😐 boy wtf💀💀

KK😬😂:I'm asking cause when I was younger my older sister would always tell me that her booty or coochie burned cause she poked her nails done there💀💀 I really think she got STDs

Ailani☺️🥴: Itching burning itching burning  stanky fishy stanky fishy    Yo sister got STDs it make her coochie itch😭😭😭

KK😬😂:I- what the hell girl

Ailani☺️🥴:My frIenDS fake as fuck they got food and left and ain't even tell me they was leaving

KK😬😂:Awhhh the baby feelings hurt😕

Ailani☺️🥴:Hell Yeah they is🥺 and how about  they 5 months pregnant

KK😬😂:And I oop🤭 they?

Ailani☺️🥴:One is a boy and the other is a girl

KK😬😂:Ohhh makes more since now

Ailani☺️🥴:Dumbbb🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️I'll text you later

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