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Keanu's Birthday🥳🤗

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Keanu's Birthday🥳🤗

Keanu's Birthday🥳🤗

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"Hey mamas baby.." I cooed picking her up from her cradle.

At first she was sleeping with us, but I ain't want her to get to used to it so she started sleeping in her own bed.

She smiled as she woke up more and stared at me,"You hungry?" I asked kissing her cheek.

I heard Luna bark making Zy slightly jump before looking around for her, we walked out her room and I saw Luna at the top of the steps.

I walked downstairs and put her in her high chair, y'all when I ell you my baby been growing fast I don't like it.

Felt like yesterday when I found out I was pregnant,"Da da-" she said and I looked back at her.

"Huh?" I asked as I brought out my phone.

"Da da— da da..." she repeated clapping her hands as I recorded her.

"You know his birthday today so we gonna surprise him." I said as I placed a bottle on the high chair and fixed baby oatmeal.

I placed the bottle in her mouth and watched as she starts grabbing the bottle herself holding it in place.

So I let go and went to make myself some food to eat,"Hmm..." I hummed to myself  as I opened the fridge.

So I've cooked for Keanu and I, while feeding Zy her oatmeal.

And Keanu ass still asleep I ain't gonna wake him up yet...

And Keanu ass still asleep I ain't gonna wake him up yet

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