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I tied my robe up around me before walking downstairs, I went into the kitchen and saw Keanu had his head down.


He didn't reply so I went over and rubbed his back then he did a big breath before sitting up.

I saw the hurt in his eyes, I could tell he was heartbroken.

I know how much he really loved and cared for Milana.

I pulled him into a hug, I knew I was finna cry.

"I'm sorry Ailani..." He said and I scrunched my face together.

"For what?" I asked.

He shrugged,"I- I just feel like it's my fault I know it's not but it should've been me instead-"

"Stop don't say that.." I said trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

That shit hurt mane.

"I know it's not sumn I should say...it's just to hear your own mother say it hurts man.." He said, I pulled away from the hug and he only looked down.

"Look at me Keanu...it isn't your fault everything happens for a reason even if hurts deeply...know I'm here for you." I said and he took a deep breathe pulling me into another hug laying his head on his chest and started sobbing again.

Making a few tears roll down my cheek it hurt to see him hurt man.

I rubbed his back as he let out all his tears,"My head hurts..." he mumbled as he started to calm down.

"Come on...go lay down I'll get you some medicine." I told him breaking the hug, he started going upstairs so I grabbed some water and Tylenol.

I didn't know if he was gonna have an appetite or not, so I just put together a quick sandwich.

I took it upstairs to him where he was laying on his stomach, he was still crying.

"Baby it's okay...your gonna make yourself sick." I said rubbing his back and putting the stuff down on the night stand.

"I- I can't help I-it hurts so b-bad.." He said.

"Come on try and take this medicine." I said handing it to him and he slightly sat up.

He throw the pills in his mouth before chasing it down with some water.

"Are you hungry??" I asked and he shook his head no laying back down.

"Try and take a nap—" I was getting ready to leave the room.

"Can you stay..?" He voice faint and horse.

I sat down on the bed and he put his head on the side of my chest laying down basically snuggling up to me.

Before letting out a long sigh,"I love you..." I said giving him a peck on the lips.

"Luh you too..." He said looking up at me, I looked back down at him as he stared at my face.


"I'm worried..."


"what if I lose you too Ailani- like if that happens I really won't be able to live anymore losing you would be losing the love of my life, my best friend, my girlfriend, my future wife, my everything..." He started venting and I could tell he was wanting to say all this.

I only gave him my undivided attention as he vented,"I'm sorry-"

"Don't ever be sorry to tell me how you feel okay that's what I'm here for you to tell me our problems and we'll fix them together." I said and he looked confused.

"But their not yours—"

"If their yours their mines too okay we'll get through this together..." I said as he slightly nodded off.

"Now go to sleep..." I said and he closed his eyes before I knew it he was out like a light.

Welp goodnight, loves.

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