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I finished eating and then went and changed into some leggings and one of Keanu's shirts with a sports bra underneath.

I put my hair into a ponytail then walked out with my phone in my hand,"I'm ready.." He nodded before we headed out the door.

He opened up the car door for me before closing it after I got in, he jogged over to his side getting in then starting the car up.

It was silence not the uncomfortable kind, just we were both emotionally exhausted from Milani passing.

But I know his heart is deep.

I zoned out into my own world as different songs started coming into my minds only sad ones.

Of courseee my mind makes everything so much betterrr.

The main ones, Angel of Mine by Smiley then Heaven by Beyoncé.

I started humming the lyrics kinda mixing them both together.

"Did you just mix two songs together?" Keanu asked keeping his eyes on the road.

"How'd you know?"

"Beyoncé hit different in my opinion but Smiley stuck in my from....Milani would listen to her all the time as if she had been in relationships..." He said with a smile laugh shaking his head.

We arrived at his mom's house where there were a few other cars.

We got out and knocked on the door where Esme answered the door,"Oh.come in.."

Keanu grabbed my hand leading me into the living room where his mom, some girl and Esme's bitch ass nigga would could do a flip off the empire building and i wouldn't give a fuck sat.

Keanu sat down on the other sofa pulling me into his lap.

"Hello Keanu." Keanu only nodded his head at his mom.

"Ailani." I looked over at her.

"Well you guys know why I have you over...I wanted to try and get this funeral done, but we need to plan together." She continued.

"Wait—" The girl said.

"Who is she?" She asked pointing at me making me scrunch my face up.

"Shawty stop pointing at people." I snapped and she rolled her eyes.

"This my baby, problem?" Keanu said and she rolled her eyes again.

"Wait..." Keanu squinted his eyes at her before they bulged.

"Awh hell nah I know you didn't invite my damn EX to plan for MY sisters funeral." He said.


When I tell you I'm flabbergasted.

I'm— flabbergasted.

Whooo does thattt?!

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