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Couple Months later....

Couple Months later

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"IMMA RIDE THAT DICK JUST LIKE A STOLEN CAR!!" I could hear Ailani yell.


"IMMA RIDE OR DIE AND I DON'T NEED NO KEYS!!"  I shook my head as I went to get Milana out the bed.

How she sleep through this...I have no idea.

Her cancer? It started going away but it's bipolar.

One minute it's there then gone shits scary, "MiMi Get up you gotta eat..." She been sleeping a lot lately.

"I'm sleepy..." She mumbled pulling the cover back, she jumped down from the bed and stumbled a bit walking out the room.

"Laniiii!!" She yelled causing the music to come to a pause.

"Hey babyyyy." Ailani said picking her up and kissing her cheek.

"Hi Sianney and Angelise." Milana smiles waving at them and they waved back.

"Wassup champ." Sianney said taking her from Ailani.

"Aht aht give her here she likes me more." Angelise said holding her arms out while Milana looked at her while she was dumb.

"And don't the fuck." Milana said and Ailani laughed.

"She been around you too much." I said shaking my head at her.

Ailani shrugged,"Sounds like a personal problem." She said going into the kitchen.

I followed behind her,"Keanu...I've kinda been thinking I wanna go back to Georgia..I know I have most of my stuff here at your house already but just wanna go back and look at it one last time..." She said and I nodded my head.

"About that...I've been thinking about we move.." I said and she looked up at me.

"Like a new house...or new state?"

"Honestly I know fasho a new house and I was wondering about the State I don't know..." I said and she nodded.

"Okay..." She nodded her head before opening the fridge and taking out a bag of grapes.

She put some in a cup before putting the bag back,"KEANU AILANI! WE NEED TO GO!" I heard Sianney yelled.

Ailani and I made eye contact before running into the living room where Milana was throwing up but it was blood....

Angelise picked her up and put her jacket over her before handing her to Ailani who took her into her arms and rubbed her back.

"Come on we gotta go to the hospital." I grabbed my keys and instantly ran outside and opened the door for Ailani and Milana to get in.

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