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I woke still in Ailani arms, she had in her AirPods while looking at her phone.

I looked down at her phone and saw her watching Frozen, she got Disney plus and been watching everything.

"You hungry??" She asked now looking at me.

I shook my head no,"Baby now you can't be not eating at all." She said as I shrugged.

"I just don't have an appetite." She sighed while playing in my dreads with her other hand.

"Umm...your mom called and said she wants you to help plan her funeral."

"Damn can't morn in piece first...shit give me a week at least." I said wrapping my arms around Ailani's torso.

"Come on get up..." Ailani said and I groaned as I got up.

She went into the bathroom and washed her face and everything before I went in did what I needed to do.

"Come on...were gonna do a face mask..." She said getting out some random face mask shit.

I made a face as she put it on her hands then reached for my face making me move back.

"Nigga come here." I sat down on the toliet so she could reach my face easier.

She started rubbing it around my face then stopped midway before pulling my dreads back into a ponytail.

"Oop— Wait the fact I got it on your eyebrow." She made a '😬'


"I'm kiddinggg I cant date a nigga and his eyebrows fucked up." She said rubbing my face and I felt the mask starting to foam up.

"You look like a cloud-" she said laughing as I shook my head.

"Now lemme put it on you." I said holding me hand out and she put the tube in my hand.

"Fuck up my edges if you want to now." She said and I shook my head as I put it in her face.

"Why you doing it so—"

"Unless you wanna be edge-less and no damn eyebrows hush." I said and she flicked me off before thumping my ear.

"Ow dumbass—" I said putting the tube down.

"Is it foaming up?" She asked and I nodded.

She stood up and looked in the mirror,"Fluffy cloud tings bitch!"

I shook my head at her as she put her stuff up then we headed downstairs.

"Yes you eating." She said before I even said anything.

"Okay just not a lot-" She went into the fridge and started pulling out things to eat.

She turned on the stove and put the pans on top, I got distracted on her phone and started playing the random games she downloaded.

I heard sumn fall making me look up, I saw pancake mix on the floor.

When I looked up at Ailani she held a note in her hand as her eyes glossed over.

"What is it?" I asked standing up.

"It's a note...but it's one Milani wrote..." She said as a tear rolled down her cheeks.

I looked over her shoulder at while I wrapped my arms around her waist.

'Wen u sees tis make a milonn panckes 4 meh :)'

She loved pancakes with a passion, every time Ailani would cook she asked for a million every time.

And just like that Ailani broke down in my arms and I pulled her into a hug, these damn face masks.

She broke the hug and went over to the sink and started washing it off her face.

I grabbed a rag and used it to start washing it off also.

After we both were done, Ailani couldn't stop re-reading the note and it seems every time she does so she only cried harder.

I took it out her hand and held her in my lap as she cried,"I'm really gonna miss her..." She said as he voice cracked.

"I am too..." I said rubbing her back, I cried so much last night I didn't want to cry anymore.

I stared at the note harder before turning it over with more writing.


I let out a small laugh I believe she means P.S.

'Buba luv u to bits and laneye :) best peps ever'

I showed it to Ailani which made her bury her face in my chest,"She was so sweet..."

Ailani got up and went back upstairs while I went into the kitchen and finished up what she started.

I cleaned up the pancake mix and fixed her some breakfast.

I walked upstairs with it in my hand and saw her sitting up on my computer.

"This is a nice design..." her voice came out horse and sounded drained.

"Thank you...I fixed you some food." I said taking the computer out her lap and putting the food there instead.

" I said taking the computer out her lap and putting the food there instead

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"It looks good." She said before placing strawberries in her mouth first.

It was like fruit was her go to food, I don't blame her honestly.

She looked up at me with glossy eyes which made her look like a toddler almost.

I gave her a quick peck on the lips,"Imma go over to my moms...I'll be back.." I said grabbing my keys.

"I wanna come with you."she said and I sat on the bed.

"Okay we'll leave when your done...don't rush to eat tho we got all day...it ain't like I wanna see her anyway." I mumbled the last part before looking at the TV.

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