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"Ahhh shit she threw up on me get herrrr—" TJ said handing Zyaire back to Ailani.

"I told you to not be bouncing her a lot that's what you get." She said as she used a cloth and cleaned her mouth.

"How's she been with sleeping??" Jasmine asked as she sorted out some baby clothes for us.

"Okay..I mean it's the fact me and Ailani can stay up now without being tired."I said and Ailani nodded her head.

"And one of us always ends up waking up right before she cries so it kinda works out." Ailani said as she laid Zyaire against her chest.

"It's like every time we see her she gets bigger." Syn said coming out the kitchen with a piece of cheesecake.

"Who the actual fuck said you could get that?" Ailani asked clearly mad.

"I— I'm sorry." Syn said making a face.

"Give it here you whore." Syn mumbled sumn before handing her the plate.

"Now you could've let him eat that." Liam said laughing.

"I think to think not." Ailani said as she handed Zyaire to me.

I looked down at Zyaire and saw her looking right up at me,"Goddamn all up in yo face-" TJ said.

"Shut up you just mad she threw up on you." I said and he flipped me off.

"I already do that..." Ailani said and we all looked at her.

"What- I said that out loud didn't I?" We nodded our heads before laughing.

"My baddd- Syn since you wanna go and get my shit wanna make a bottle." Ailani asked him and he groaned before getting up.

"Where the powder shit?!"

"There's no powder shit there's breast milk you pour into the bottles and warm it up-"


"Can't do shit...I got it." Jasmine, Ailani's mom said getting up.

Zyaire was still staring at me,"Wassup mamas." I cooed and she let out a sound before smiling showing her gums.

"Awhh she loves her daddyyy can't relate." TJ said then got serious at the end.

Liam came and held his hands out for her,"Have you washed your hands?" I asked him.

"Don't look at me like that hoe I don't know where your hands been." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Yes I have-"

"Lemme see." Ailani said an Liam held his hands out and she poured hand sanitizer in them.

Few hours later....

"See y'all tomorrow..." Ailani said as she picked up a sleeping Zyaire.

"Peace niggas!" TJ said before walking out with Liam behind him.

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