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"STUPID FUCKIN DINOSAUR—exCusE me eXcusE me—" Kemina said out of nowhere.

"Excuse me miss thang." I said looking at her.

"Oop- see— I-"

"Girl- hush don't be cussin like that." I said shaking my head.

"TJ just listen—"

"Leave me the fuck alone!"

I looked over at Kemina who held her head down while Zonori was still fast asleep.

"Muthafuckas can sleep through anything..." I mumbled.

"How long they been arguing?" She shrugged.

"Just a few days.."

"Hold up I'll be back..." I said walking towards they room.

"TJ just talk to me-"

"For what?! I fuckin cheated okay I'm sorry damn."  TJ said.

"Okay imma need y'all to chill out..."

"Ailani you don't—"

"I know I don't but look here y'all can't be arguing like this while they here." I said.

"I'm not tryna argue he doesn't wanna fuckin talk about it—"

"Why would I??" TJ said sitting down.

My phone started ringing,"Hello??"

"Is this Ailani Hansen??"


"Your fiancé Keanu has been shot and is currently at the hospital.." My heart stopped.

"Wait huh run that back he's been SHOT—" She started explaining a few things.

"I'm on my way."

"Look whatever shit y'all got going on— fuck it one of y'all take me to the damn hospital."

"Zonori— Kemina come on!" Liam walked out the room.

And TJ grabbed his keys, I followed them to the car.

I ended up in the passenger seat since they arguing or whatever.

"Why auntie crying ?" Zonori asked rubbing his eyes.

Lil snitch—

Let me eyes sweat in peace

"She's just worried..." Liam assured him.

"I'm sure he's fine Ailani..." TJ said and I only nodded my head as I wiped my face.

We had finally made it to the hospital, I don't think I've ever walked so fast in my life.

"And you are here for??"

"Keanu Walker...he came in not too long ago..." I spoke to the woman at the front.

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