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Keanu🤧💚:who is this🤨

Ailani🥴💚:A bad bitch🙃

Keanu🤧💚:Umm...I just pick up my brothers phone and see you in his favorites

Ailani🥴💚:Ohh we haven't talked in a few days idk 😬

Keanu🤧💚:Well see I don't know like he's been acting off and...this is around the time he found out his son died

Ailani🥴💚:I'm sorry

Keanu🤧💚:Do you live in the area

Ailani🥴💚:Nahhh way off💀💀

Keanu🤧💚:Damn hoping you could come by


  Calling Keanu🤧💚

"Hello..." He answered and his voice was raspy as fuck.

"Hey Keanu..."

"Wassup ma.."

"Nun how you doing?"

"I'm...I'm not doing okay at all mane...it's hard you know thinking I could've saved him, it was my weekend to watch him but I had to work....I found out he died when I got off. She killed our- my son with her own fuckin hands bruh."

"I- I'm sorry Keanu I don't know what to say you probably don't wanna hear this but god lets things happen for reason."

"I know...but why couldn't have been me instead." I went silent as I heard sniffling.

"Hey it's okay.." I said trying to be comforting.

"Look I'll c-call you back." He said before the call disconnected.

I shook my head side to side before going back to massages.

Ailani💚😍:Know that I'm here and always will be🥴if your ever feel over stressed or anything you can always come to me know that

Keanu🥺💚:Appreciate it

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