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Why can't I ever sleep in peace?


I have an internal clock and I know for a fact it's 12 sumn in the morning.

"FUCK IT UP IF ITS YA BIRTHDAY BITCH!" I pulled the cover from over my head and saw Nova and Austin smiling hard as fuck.

"Look I know it's my birthday and everything and thank y'all soooo much- but WHY THE FUCK Y'ALL WAKING ME UP THIS DAMN EARLY SHIT COULD'VE AT LEAST LET ME SLEEP IN I GOT 23 MORE HOURS OF THIS SHIT!" They looked at me shOcked.

"Is she pregnant?"

"Austin shut cho duMbaSs up and talk to me at like 11 sumn in the morning then wake me up." I said.

"Fine damn we gotta go get your gift anyway." Nova said, I know they was tryna get my attention but shit I'm tired.

"Alright bye." I said pulling my cover back over me head.

"I'm taking my house key from outside and hiding it somewhere else" I mumbled to myself before going back to sleep.

I woke sometime later and looked at the clock,10:37

Got a lil more time to myself. I took a shower then got out and put on some scented lotion.

I got dressed first and parted my hair for half to hang down and the top part in two buns.

I got dressed first and parted my hair for half to hang down and the top part in two buns

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I text Nova while going to the kitchen.

Lifeline🥵💚:I'm up what's the plans for today

Novaa😋🤪:Bitch a lot is in store make sure your dressed and everything and I'll come and get you

Lifeline🥵💚:Ain't you pregnant?

Novaa😋🤪:And bitch be there in 15

  I shook my head as I grabbed a yogurt out the fridge and grabbed a spoon.

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