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I stood in front of their gravesites.

I bit down on my lip as I get the tears starting to pool my eyes.

I kneeled down in front of my sons running my hand over the gravestone.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled.

"It's not a day I don't think about you...you would be 2 right now and standing here with me...I wish I could've saved you.." I felt the tears down my cheeks.

"I didn't know...I should've listened to you and stayed outta the gang shit.." I said with my eyes closed.

No matter what I can never get the flashback outta my mind...

"Remember....we don't need no victims.."

We all rushed into the house before bullets started flying everywhere.

I ducked down and started my way down the hall, I opened a room and shot the lock off the case.

I opened it, this is the money they stole.

I picked it up as I went to open the safe the door cracked open.

"Drop your gun..—" Without thinking I turned around and shot.

"Keanu—" My heart stopped as his body hit the floor.

"Dad..." I mumbled as I dropped the case and gun.

His body dropped to the floor as blood poured from his chest.

"No...no...dad I'm sorry, no!!" I yelled grabbing his hand and bringing him close to me.


"Key—nigga what the hell you doing?!" They yelled at me but my ears were ringing right now.

"Dad come on—" I said shaking him as his eyes started shutting.

"What's dome is done...I'll always love you my boy.." He said before his eyes shut and his breathing completely stopped.

"No— bruh hell nah dad!" I screamed but he wouldn't move.

I hugged onto him knowing his blood was getting on me

Later at home...

"James Lon Walker was found dead today around 5:42 am—" played on the tv.

"What the hell— MAMA!!" Esme yelled out.

My mom walked in and looked at he tv,"What...but..-"

"It seems to be the cause of a gang violence..." The TV continued before mom turned it off.

"I told him to stop but he just wouldn't fuckin listen!!" She yelled before walking upstairs and Esme followed her.

I sat on the couch starting into space...

It was my fault...

I had to be dumb and try and follow my damn father...

I fucked up and killed him.

"I'm sorry...I didn't fuckin know bruh...I should've never did the shit dad you could be here right fuckin now with me..." I said as I opened my eyes unable to see due to the tears.

"I mean...I have someone to help me with the trauma..." I mumbled.

"You would've liked her...and now you have granddaughter with you could've met her.." I sat down on the grown as I felt more tears stream down my face.

I couldn't stop them I then thought about Milani making me get up and walk some more to get to hers,"Hey lil sis....I miss yo crazy ass like crazy.."

"You know..mom blamed me for yo death...and for a minute I fuckin believed her...but I knew I shouldn't..wish you was still here...I luh you.."I touched her gravestone.

I felt the wind blow and just in the back of mind I could hear her laughs.

And felt more flashbacks on the way.

"Wookkk!" She yelled and I looked over at her and she did a back walkover.

"Good job!!" I cheered her on and she smiled before hugging my legs.

"I wuv you..." She said

"Mr. Chez!" She screamed as I put my shoe on.

I looked at her confused until I felt something bite me making me yank my shoe off and seeing a lizard.

I grabbed it before throwing it out the window.

"Milani what the hell!" I said taking my sock off.

"I sorry.." she mumbled.

"Just go downstairs.." I said rubbing my head.

"I wuv you...and lani..she's petty like you.." Milani said looking up at me.

"I- thank you Milani your beautiful also don't ever forget that." I told her and she smiled as we walked into the kitchen

"Pancakes!" She cheered once she saw Ailani holding a plate.

"Here you go.." Ailani said handing it to her.

"Yesh tank you!" She did a skip to the table.

"Gonna miss all y'all..." I mumbled to myself as I wiped my eyes.

It has now started drizzling.

I walked back to the car and saw Ailani on her phone.

"You okay??" She asked me as I got in.

I stared for a few mines,"I mean I'm fine...it still hurts like shit." I admitted.

She pouted before getting out her seat and climbing onto my lap.

"I'm sorry..." she mumbled wrapping her arms around me.

"For what..I mean it's life."

"Yeah duh but still...I just wish I could help you more."

"More— Ailani you have my heart, and my soul, my child and finna have my last name."

"Ailani I would give my life for you, I luh you more than you'll ever fuckin know." I said before kissing her lips.

"I love you too.." she said pulling away smiling.

"You look high.." She mumbled wiping my face making my smack my lips.

"It's called crying move." I said and she laughed getting back into the passenger seat.

"Ready to go enjoy your birthday??" She asked and I shrugged.

"It'll be worth it..." she said grabbing my hand.

"I promise.." she smiled and I smiled back before bringing her into another kiss.

((I shed a few tears writing...the Milani part got me🥺✋🏾 vote & comment))

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