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Keanu🤧💚:I'm going to Jail

Ailani🥴💚:and why would you

Keanu🤧💚:My lil sister just drew all over my fuckin walls and she's hiding right now knowing I'm heated asf

Ailani🥴💚:Boy if you don't call your mom or sister to get her

Keanu🤧💚:See I'm tryna help her not get her ass whooped- but I just might kill ha

Ailani🥴💚:Leave that baby alone

Keanu🤧💚:You wouldn't be saying that if she drew all over your Jordan's and air forces 😒 and now she's drew on my damn walls imma put her out in the goddamn cold

Ailani🥴💚:Oh she bad bad💀💀boy yo neighbors gonna call CPS stop🤣

Keanu🤧💚:Idgaf- now she's tryna apologize to me cause she don't want me to call ma I oughta call her too

Ailani🥴💚:Don't do that to her🤣just make her take a nap

Keanu🤧💚:See I let her nap in my room and that's where I fucked up I left out and she had drawn all over my shoes and shit

Ailani🥴💚:Dayummmm I could neva 💀

Keanu🤧💚:She about to make me not want kids

Ailani🥴💚:😬sounds like a personal problem

Keanu🤧💚:My older sister came and get her cause I was gonna kill her ass and how about to tried to hide a lizard in my shoe that bitch bit my toe

Ailani🥴💚:LMAOOOSHEKSID Boy I would've cackled

Keanu🤧💚:shut cho ugly ass up

Ailani🥴💚:You know what you might be right 🥺

Keanu🤧💚:Yo ass really upset😐

Ailani🥴💚:Hell Yeah shit my friend got me fucked up with her cravings mixing my fuckin peanut butter and marshmallows together

Keanu🤧💚:Have fun thought it was your time of the month or sumn

Ailani🥴💚:That too🤷🏾‍♀️😫


Ailani🥴💚:My Birthday in 2 weeks🙃🙃I'm ready to be 18 honestly ☺️

Keanu🤧💚:Wait a minute Mr postman I'm his friend TJ☺️ I see y'all have been talking a lot👀

Ailani🥴💚:I mean not really

Keanu🤧💚:When I swipe up on y'all massages it has to load the rest yes y'all have

Ailani🥴💚:Why do you have his phone

Keanu🤧💚:I snatched it out his hand and ran away🙃🙃 I'm currently hiding in a tree in the woods

Ailani🤧💚:You dumb fuck hope you fall out that tree

Keanu🤧💚:Damn you so mean just like his dumbass

Ailani🥴💚:Shut yo slow ass up and give him his phone back

Keanu🤧💚:Nahh I'm good

Keanu🤧💚:You know ever since y'all been texting he's kinda changed

Keanu🤧💚:Like he don't sleep around with bitches as much🤨 yo pussy must by fye

Ailani🥴💚:First of all he ain't neva had this pussy so try again🙄🙄 go fuck yourself and give me friend the phone back thank you🙃🙃

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