Chapter 9

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I swallowed an under-cooked potato and tried to make it stay in my stomach.

I was sitting with Nathan and Raelynn at dinner. Both of them were in deep conversation. They didn't ask about my drowsiness, and I was relieved because I wasn't in the mood to explain myself.

With difficulty I took another bite out of the raw potatoes and peas we were all eating, and then washed it down with water. I didn't realize how thirsty I was.

I had decided to go straight to bed after dinner but I couldn't move a muscle. Each time I tried to lift myself up I fell back in my seat.

The cafeteria was too congested and crowded, it made me suffocate. The food was so nasty it made the school cafeteria food look a whole lot better.

My head was throbbing so badly I thought it was going to detonate like a bomb. I didn't dare pull down my sleeve to reveal my Signs but they were piercing my skin.

Slowly I got out of my seat and took five steps before I could feel my insides burn. No one noticed and it saved me the embarrassment.

I managed the walk to the door but my path was blocked by a tall muscular guy with chestnut hair.

"Annabelle!" he grinned. Then noticed my expression and frowned.

"Hi, Anthony." I said groggily.

"You don't look okay," he worried.

"I'm fine," I lied and tried to push past him but he blocked my way.

"Get out of my way," I demanded.

"No," he objected. "You're coming to the infirmary with me."

"I told you, I'm fine." I said through gritted teeth and gave Anthony another push. He stood there like a statue, refusing to move.

"Annabelle, you aren't okay. Come with me. I can help you." he offered his hand to me but I only groaned in frustration.

I stepped back, nearly tumbling backwards. My vision was blurry and I could barely hear Anthony calling my name. That's what got everyone's attention. All heads turned and eyes were fixated on me.

I blinked through my stupor, enough to balance myself. I still wobbled around, not sure of what to do. I didn't even care that I was completely humiliating myself.

Nathan and Raelynn grabbed me but I wrestled away from them.

"We need to get her to the infirmary," Raelynn worried.

"I'll go get Alfred," Nathan hurried out of the cafeteria.

Their voices were muffled but I was aware of what was going on.

"Raelynn, help me with Annabelle." he started to grab my hand but I kicked and screamed.

"Go away!" I yelled. "I'm fine! I don't need anyone's help!"

Everyone in the room was either laughing or watching me with worry. They shouted insults or gasped.

"Annabelle, just calm down." Raelynn told but I couldn't.

"She's going to pass out." Anthony predicted.

Bile rised in my throat, my left hand was burning and my legs were wobbling. I tried to lean on someone for support but I was so confused that I pushed away from them.

Alfred was standing in the door frame with a scared Nathan behind him. Their eyes filled with horror.

They all shouted my name and told me to calm down. I couldn't help but be irritated by that.

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