Chapter 20

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No matter how hard they tried, it was impossible to calm me down. I kept screaming and crying, mumbling pointless words even I couldn't figure out. Our last hope was putting me to sleep. They injected a medication which kept me unconscious until Amara woke up and starting responding to her treatment.

Nobody asked me what had happened. I was glad about that because I didn't know how to explain the situation since I didn't even remember the events after I had slipped into the vortex. The last thing I recalled was blacking out.

Alternatives for meals were the drips. Same for Amara. She would wake up at times and say meaningless things like a psychopath. She kept asking where she was and how she got here and only one person could tell the whole story. A side effect of the medicine was dreamless sleep, so I didn't see the Star Spirit. Fortunate for her, since I would've strangled her.

After days of being under treatment and Anthony studying both of us like science experiments, they stopped giving me sleep medicine and interrogated me for answers. A group of doctors in white coats and stethoscopes surrounded my bed while I lay like a lifeless person. I wouldn't answer to either of them. They finally agreed to let two familiar faces question me.

"Are you aware of what's happened?" Alfred asked.

"I'm not sure, exactly," I said hoarsely.

"You used Celestial Energy to bring Amara here," Anthony realized. "How did you do that?"

"It wasn't me," I said, staring into the light bulb above my bed.

"We found you outside the Conference Hall building with Amara," Alfred said. "You both were unconscious and almost dying. Judging by days of study and observation you both have traveled celestially. That's impossible for you to do. We can only travel astrally."

"Only Star Spirits can convert Celestial Energy into a vortex," I added. I looked Alfred in the eye. "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

He looked at me with concern but he got my meaning. "How is she?" I looked at Amara.

"Confused, scared, traumatized," Anthony whispered. "Do you want me to go on?"

I glared at him. "Can you save her?"

"We already have but if Alfred hadn't found you that morning you both wouldn't be here right now." he said. I knew with certainty he was correct.

"Never do that again," Alfred demanded.

I was out of the hospital wing in a few days. My head ached from time to time. I was fatigued even after hours of rest and I was fighting nausea. So, there was nothing new about my life, really. I checked on Amara but she didn't believe a word I said. I brought Tristan and Lewis to talk to here and slowly she started coming back to reality. She stopped thinking that she was going crazy and that this was a mental asylum.

I had to deal with Lyra's questions when I saw her in the girls' quarters. Each time I asked her to talk to Amara she looked at me, confused and said she had no idea who I was talking about. It made me furious to even look at her. Our best friend was in the hospital going mad and Lyra was fighting amnesia for some reason. Yesterday I forced her to look at Amara, hoping that that would knock some sense into her. But instead, she claimed she had never seen the girl in her entire life. I wanted to give her a high five, in the face, with a chair.

Today, she asked me where I'd been all these days and complained a dozen times about the filthy bathroom. I stared at her like she was an idiot, because she was.

"Honestly," she sighed. "I have no idea where you are these days and I have to share a bathroom with disgusting, uncivilized girls and there's no hot water here. No coffee or fresh towels. I brought my own toiletries but what about coffee?"

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