Chapter 27

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My Star Stone had grown. It was now bigger than my fist. When I woke up I felt something poking the side of my head. I realized it was a lump in my pillow, turns out it was my stone from Ophiuchus.

If it grew anymore it would be the size of a basketball. The Celestial Energy inside hadn't evaporated. Maybe it was because I was hiding it indoors and it had to be released outside. I didn't even have breakfast. I lost my appetite and had a metallic taste in my mouth. I hid outside the weapons room. I placed the stone in front of me. It was hard to hide it in my pocket since it was huge all of a sudden.

I waited there for the energy to be released because now the Celestial Energy looked like it was getting bigger, making the stone expand. I debated taking the stone to Alfred but I knew he had enough things to worry about. The energy inside the stone changed colour, it was now greenish with yellow dots. It curled up in a ball and settled at the bottom. A voice at the back of my head told me that that wasn't what Celestial Energy looked like.

The stone was now as big as both my fists combined. I took it to the room and hid it in the pillowcase. I hoped it didn't look to obvious. I hoped all the girls would think that the cotton balls in the pillow had exploded. That sounds more realistic. Actually, neither of those excuses sound realistic.

"I need your help," I blurted to Tristan at lunch.

"With what?" he asked. He kept glancing at me and eyeing my new accessories.

"Meet me outside the weapons room," I told. "I'll show you."

I got to my feet and left before he could ask anymore questions.

In the girls' room Lyra was having a headache and Amara was trying to calm her down. She screamed into a pillow.

"Where have you been?" Amara demanded.

"I'm having a crisis," I told, worried.

"Really?" Amara said. "You're having a crisis? Well, we're having a worst-case scenario!"

She pointed at Lyra.

"I really cannot deal with her right now," I said through gritted teeth. My fists were clenched. "I have no idea what's gotten into her. She was fine yesterday."

"I've been doing research with Lewis and he says that..."

"Save it," I cut her off. I stepped a little closer to Lyra. "What's wrong? Turning into Lyla again?" Her head snapped up and slapped me. "What is your problem?" she said in a voice that wasn't hers.

"My problem?" I repeated. "You're acting like a maniac! You were alright yesterday and now you're losing it...again."

"Losing what?" she asked. "I'm fine. I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Of course you don't," I said harshly. "You were only having a migraine which was exploding your head only two seconds ago!"

Lyra looked irritated. "I say again...."

"Whatever," I said. "Get your life together. Otherwise leave."

I took out my Star Stone while Amara comforted Lyra. She obviously didn't need comforting. She was suffering from amnesia or short-term memory loss.

"Belle," Amara stopped. Lyra rushed to the bathroom.

"Don't you understand?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"She's turned into Lyla today," Amara pointed out. "She was Lyra yesterday and after I mentioned something about how she bleached her purple hair dye only to do it again she got confused and her headache got worse and now she doesn't remember dying her hair yesterday."

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