Chapter 11

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I slept in late the next day and so did the Capricorns. I was late for training and Raelynn was impatient. She worked me to death. With an empty stomach I was extra slow. I found myself glancing at the infirmary a lot. Go ask Anthony about your health, my mind screamed at me. My conscience sounded like the Star Spirit of Virgo. I didn't want to be considered weak so I didn't go to him. Honestly, I had gotten much better since the last time I passed out.

After a while of working out, my legs were killing me. It felt good to stretch my bones though.

The faster you are the faster you can see Tristan, I kept telling myself. That was a good incentive.

"Can we please stop now?" I put down the weights and pushed them aside.

"No," she smiled. "You need to try harder,"

"I have been trying," I sighed.

"And it's working," Raelynn pointed out.

"I can't tell." I examined myself. Almost no body fat, much less muscle.

"It's good exercise," she said. "And, a friendly tip, don't get distracted so easily."

I glared at her but I couldn't stop my blush. "I am not distracted!" I insisted.

"Right," she pouted.

"Now, are you helping me with archery or should I go ask Nathan?" I said.

"Actually," she jumped off of the stationary bicycle. "Today you are going to learn how to fire a gun,"

"I'm gonna do say what now?" I asked.

"Yes," she confirmed.

"You know how to use a gun?" I whispered to her.

"Hmmm...a little," she hesitated. "But I'm not really good at it,"

"You're going to teach me?"

"Oh no. That's not my style or my forte. I have a friend who I persuaded into giving you a lesson," she told.

"Is it really necessary?"

"Just think about it," she said. "What if you're in a fight or during war someone else drops their gun and you ended up with it wouldn't you want to know how to use it? What if your life depended on it?"

"Well...." I was reluctant to agree but I had no choice. "Alright, fine!"

Raelynn sighed out of relief.

"Who is this friend of yours, anyway?" I questioned.

She scratched her head, wondering whether she should tell me or not. "I know you're not going to like it but she's really the best I could find,"

It took me a while to realize who she was talking about. I groaned in frustration. "How can she even hold a gun? She's injured."

"Don't underestimate her," Raelynn warned. "Who else did you expect?"

"I didn't really expect a shooting lesson either," I pointed out.

"It'll be over before you know it," she promised. "Me and Nathan will be there to keep the two of you from ripping each others insides out. Besides, this lesson is a one time thing. You just have to pull the trigger."

"Easy for you to say," I muttered under my breath.

I begged Raelynn to get lunch first but she promised it wouldn't be long. We dragged Nathan from the weapons room to the shooting area, which wasn't that far. He complained that he didn't want to witness a fight so he wasn't coming. That annoyed Raelynn. I was completely fine with him not being there, that made Raelynn even more mad. But after coaxing him didn't work, Raelynn had to use force. She grabbed him by the ear and pulled him onto the shooting range. I would've stopped her, but she was stubborn and the whole thing was hilarious.

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