Chapter 17

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Tristan took Lewis to the boy's quarters. I went to check on Alfred. Raelynn had recovered, she and Nathan were helping Bemus who looked like he had come back from the dead. Phoenix and I ignored him.

They both gulped down two glasses of water and didn't talk until they were done with their watery tea. We all sat across them at the table waiting for breakfast.

"Lewis' parents said we can take him but they have to stay in Sagittarius. I understood because obviously they can't just leave, that'll make people suspicious." Alfred explained.

"At least we have one Sagittarius." Raelynn said. Anthony and Nathan were in the infirmary helping Bemus. Tristan was with Lewis.

"When are we going to Geminus and Aries?" Phoenix asked.

"Let me breath first, woman!" Alfred teased.

"Right, sorry." She started to say something but Alfred stopped her words.

"And no, you cannot go with me," he answered. Phoenix was about to protest but: "Neither is Bemus."

That seemed to satisfy her. "But, you can't go alone," I said quickly.

"No, I can't," he agreed. "But if I don't find someone in two days I'll have to go alone. That is my final decision. I've discussed it with Hellen."

"Why can't I go to Geminus?" I protested. "Lyra won't agree easily. She's stubborn."

"Not a Gemini trait, stubbornness." Raelynn added quietly.

"Yeah, well, she is and she's my friend so I'll convince her."

"I'm sorry but that's not acceptable." Alfred said. "I can't put anyone in danger."

"At least take Phoenix then!" I regretted saying that the minute the words flowed out of my mouth.

"Nice to know you'd be okay with me being in danger," Phoenix said but she had a playful smile on her face.

"That's not what I meant," I apologised. "You're not a descendant of the Twelve Major so..."

"I matter less?" she suggested. Phoenix snorted. "Constellation racism," she muttered. "Just like Jaxon."

Raelynn nudged Phoenix. "You know what she means," she whispered. They stared at each other, as if they were deciding to share their thoughts.

We ate in silence. Lewis and Tristan joined us. It was weird to see him here. He hadn't changed his clothes. He kept looking around and making faces as he took bites of his eggs and bread. We all carried on with our daily schedules. Except me and Tristan. We sat across the training area, watching Phoenix take her anger out on practice dummies by stabbing them.

"How do you feel, Lewis?" I asked.

"So far . . ." He thought for a moment. "I don't know."

"I'm really glad you decided to come," I said.

"I wasn't even sure you two would be here," he told. "I thought it was a trap but my parents knew a lot about the rebellion and they convinced me to go. Alfred was okay but that other guy just freaked me out."

"Next we have to get Lyra and Amara," I said. "And yeah, that guy is freaky."

"He knows," Tristan answered. "I told him everything."

"Everything?" I raised my eyebrows.

Lewis nodded. "My only question is: how was that dungeon?"

"Pleasant." I smiled playfully.

"I wasn't sure what happened to you," Lewis said. "I thought you were hidden in Virgus but now I know you ran away and joined a rebellion. Nice image for teenage girls."

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