Part One

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"Thank you." Australia forced a smile.

"It's fine. See you around, ja?"

"Sure," Australia approached the Taxi. "see you around Den." Australia swiftly disappeared into the car, Denmark shuffled away, what was he going to do now? Should he go looked for New Zealand or...

"Den," Australia popped his head out of the window. "You should come over, have a couple drinks." Australia opened the taxi door and pat the seat next to him. "I'll pay for the ride."

Australia may as well have just yelled surprise to finish it off.

"Alright." Denmark smiled hopping into the taxi. "Fair trade."

Australia grinned as the taxi soon drove off. He was lucky he ran into Denmark, if he didn't his legs would probably have their own six packs by the end of the night, that didn't sound very nice.

Meaningless quizzes about each other soon filled the car. Questions like: 'What's your favourite colour?' or 'Who's your favourite sibling?' were all you could expect, the drive wasn't as long as the walk would ever be so there wasn't a large amount of talking time. When the ride was over the real talking could start.

"After you princess." Denmark grinned holding the taxi door open for Australia, not that he needed to, he just wanted to.

"Why thank you Dane." Australia held back a laughed and jumped out of the taxi. "Any drink requests?"

"We'll see." Denmark leaned against the wall. "Do you think New Zealand will turn up?"

"Probably. He won't be alone though." Australia let the two of them into the house. It was a rather nice house. Small but it got the job done, that's all it needed to do.

What did Australia mean though? 'He won't be alone...' Was New Zealand one of those people now? Yikes.

Australia had made his way to the fridge, or, a cabinet above the fridge. He managed to pull a few different bottles out.

"Not much variety." Australia shrugged and turned to Denmark. "I think there's beer in the fridge if you want me to check mate."

Denmark shrugged. "It doesn't matter I won't drink much."

Australia placed the bottles on the counter and rummaged through the fridge.

Denmark gazed at all the frames that were scattered across the walls. Many of these frames had pictures of Australia and New Zealand together, a few had been taken with America and Canada, a few but not a lot. They looked so happy in all of them, just like...

"Hey." Australia held two bottles of beer in his hands, one raised slightly towards Denmark.

"Tak." Denmark took hold of the bottle. "What's the story behind all these pictures?"

Australia looked around while opening his bottle. "There's a few here that you'd have to ask Zea about," Australia took a sip of the bottle's contents, "I know this one for sure though." Australia took a frame off the wall.

There in the picture stood Australia and New Zealand, bruised and bandaged, scarred and wounded. Black and a lot bluer than usual.

"World War One." Australia sighed. "Really did a number on the two of us." Australia placed the frame back on the wall and closely studied the remaining frames. When was the last time he had done this?

Denmark stepped back and joined Australia in gazing at the frames. Each frame managed to catch his eye some how. Some contained small medallions, others contained certificates. Photographs, letters and posters, you named it you would probably be able to find it.

"We should redecorate some time." Australia looked around. "I'll nag Zea about it soon." Australia chuckled.

"I think it looks nice." Denmark commented.

Australia redirected his focus to Denmark and softly smiled. "Thanks mate, or should I say 'Tak'?"

"I understand either way." Denmark retorted.

"Of course you do." Australia looked away. "Of course."

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