Chapter 4: Four Months Later

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Its been about 4 months, Its now September. Desi and Peter were still roommates, and the physical violence has gotten much worse. Desi had noticed it and had tried to fight back, but after each attempt, she’d cower and let Peter let his anger out on her.
Peter now had a Rottweiler named Ruby. He named the dog Ruby because of the collar she wore, a bright red Ruby collar. He got her during one of their jobs, he had found her hurt and whimpering. He felt a connection to the dog and he decided to take it home.
He hated it when Desi would ever become physical with the dog at ALL. Not even petting her was acceptable. He would accept it when she fed or watered her… but NEVER to touch.
Desi had a dog too. A Male dog, his name was Bear. He was a black Saint Bernard. A massive dog, really. He protected Desi, but when Peter was getting angry, he knew to back off. 
Peter was currently out for a job, and Desi was left alone with Bear and Ruby. Desi was fast asleep on the couch, snoring lightly. Ruby trotted over to her playfully, before sniffing her face, Desi mumbled something unintelligible in her sleep, and turned to face the back of the couch.
Ruby jumped up ontop of Desi with no hesitation and started licking furiously at Desi’s face.
Desi spit. “Ack! Ruby! I’m up!” She chuckled. Ruby calmed down and sat on her, Desi let out a huff of air through her throat.
She slowly began to pet the dog, then soon enough, she was snuggling with Ruby. 
“Hey, Wheres Bear? Huh? Wheres Bear, Ruby?” Desi asked, getting Ruby riled up, before Ruby jumped down, then jumped back up and rolled onto her back. Desi began snuggling her again… Until she heard the door open. 
“I’m home.” Peter hissed, looking pissed off. Ruby was still next to Desi.
“Ah… Um… Hi Peter…” Desi said nervously, feeling her face get hot and nervous.
Peter grabbed Desi by her shirt and tossed her to the floor, Ruby quickly got off the couch and ran to a different side of the room. 
Peter began hitting and punching Desi, screaming and scolding her. “HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU, KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY DOG!!! YOU HAVE YOUR OWN!!!”
Ruby barked multiple times, and Bear joined in. 
Soon, Peter got off of Desi, after giving her a black eye and a couple more bruises. Desi slowly looked up at him, her face was drenched in tears. Peter raised his fist and scared her by throwing a punch, but not actually hitting her, stopping just before. “Get it in your fucking head.” He growled, before getting up and leaving. “Come on Ruby.” Peter hissed, as Ruby quickly pranced beside him.
Desi began to sob, regretting everything.
An hour later, Peter had calmed down. He walked into the living room. “Are you done cry…..” He paused, seeing that Desi had passed out after crying. Peter rolled his eyes and shook his head. “What a fucking baby.” He kneeled next to her, staring at her unconcious face. He let his eyes start to wander her figure, shying away from her chest… He never gently put his hands on her or even tried to be friendly with how he put his hands on her. He slowly placed a hand on her shoulder, rubbing her arm with his thumb softly. After a moment of that, his hand slowly wandered down her arm to her waist… when he touched her waist, it was wet. He noticed that it was warm… His heart jumped. “Oh fuck, did I hurt her that bad...?” He mumbled to himself, fumbling with her shirt, he slowly lifted her shirt to reveal a larger gash, the gash that he gave her had healed, his one was vertical. He saw that it was stitched together messily, similar to how Desi would stitch his wounds. Peter covered his mouth with his hand, feeling some tears brim in his dark brown eyes. His breath became shaky as he began to panic. He dropped her shirt. “Did I kill her…?!” He whispered, his speech became broken in his voice. He quickly picked her up and put her on the couch, before running into the bathroom and grabbing a first aid kid he kept in the bathroom. He mumbled unintelligible panicked words to himself, as his breathing was uncontrollably fast. He quickly hurried back, fumbling to open the kit. When he looked up, Desi was awake, and looking at him with fear in her eyes. Peter breathed slowly, calming himself down enough to talk. “...Desi. I need you to tell me.” He mumbled, stepping closer. Desi flinched and backed up against the couch, Peter noted this and moved slower, kneeling next to the couch so that he was face to face with her. “Who did this to you.” He asked.
“Y-You did…” Desi whimpered.
“NO!!!! WHO…. WHO DID THAT!!!!” Peter yelled, moving her shirt roughly and showing her her own gash.
Desi began crying again, adrenaline coursing through her veins. “I-It was some m-man who wanted my m-motorcycle…” Desi whimpered.
“What did he look like.” Peter hissed.
“Pink vest… Blue jeans… B-Blue hair… Blue helmet…” Desi mumbled. “H-He had a tattoo of two skeletons fucking on his shoulder.”
Peter’s shaky hands reached for the first aid kit, and he began to patch up her wound, better than she did for herself. She would flinch and twitch a lot, and try to get away, each time he would sternly say, “Be still.” or “Stay.”
Soon, he finished. He got up immediately and headed out the door, he grabbed his keys and his mask on the way out. He looked at Desi. “I’ll be back.” He spoke ominously, before leaving.

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