Chapter 23: Never Be The Same

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Desi woke up when the sun was just setting. She sat up slowly, recounting everything that happened the night before. She noticed that her arm was wrapped in a cast and it was held up with a sling. She looked at it, confused, before she stood up and headed into the bathroom. All her face was cleaned, and her wounds were patched up. There was a gash on her temple that had a cloth patch on it. She blinked slowly, before walking back into the kitchen. She started to make some coffee. She was irritated by her own actions, everything she did pissed herself off. After she made the coffee, she poured herself a mug, and headed to the kitchen table. She sat down, and just thought about the night.
Peter didnt come downstairs at the right time… Desi got a bit worried. She set her coffee down, and headed upstairs. She gently knocked on the door.
“What.” Peter snapped from behind the door.
Desi winced. “I-I’m just making sure youre okay…” She said, softly and sweetly so he knew that she was being nice. “If you need anything, just let me know.”
“I appreciate the offer, but I dont think you can give me what I desire.” Peter chuckled.
“Well whats that?” Desi asked.
“Self control. Mental stability. A sense of appreciation… Money would be nice too.” Peter spoke.
“Well I cant give you everything, but I can sign up for a job and--” Desi was cut off by Peter’s laugh. “I’m just kidding. I dont want your fuckin’ money.” He chuckled.
Desi smiled to herself. “Well… Alright.” She stopped. “I love you.” She spoke, she knew that he heard her. She walked back downstairs to the kitchen, relieved that she knew Peter was okay.
An hour had passed, Peter still hadnt come down. Eventually, he did. He looked tired and groggy, and somewhat depressed.
Desi looked over at him from the kitchen table. “Are you okay?” She asked softly.
Peter just shook his head and sat down. “Why arent you sleeping?” He asked quietly.
“I gave myself my shot.” Desi explained softly. “Whats wrong?” She changed the subject.
Peter sighed. “It doesnt matter. None of this matters.” He put his face into his hands.
Desi frowned. “Peter, I dont like seeing you like this.”
“As if I enjoy it myself.” He snapped. “Its just all fucking meaningless. Everything. All of it.” He swung his hand in the air. “Why do we still do what we do?!” He moved his hands with his talking.
Desi spoke quickly before he could continue. “Peter please. I have to work soon.” 
“YOU FUCKING CANT!!!” Peter screamed, motioning to her arm.
“ENLIGHTEN ME!!! WHO FUCKING TAUGHT YOU TO FIGHT!!! I’D LIKE TO KNOW!!!!” Peter screamed, standing up and slamming his fist on the table.
The room suddenly went silent. Peter expected her to scream back immediately, but she didnt. He looked at her face… She looked hurt. Peter’s expression changed from anger to worry. He slowly sat back down.
Desi hesitated, before speaking. “Мать Кристалл.” She spoke in Russian.
“What?” Peter asked. He didnt understand Russian.
“Thats her name. Мать Кристалл. She was the one who raised me… She raised tons of other children too, along with me. She found little orphans with no families, and she took them in, and trained them to fight. She only had one arm, so she taught techniques that we could use if we were left with only one arm…” Desi explained. “Thats why I was able to fight Izumi with my arm broken.”
Peter stayed silent for a moment. “What happened to her?”
“She became older… Shes 67 now… she is an old, weak woman… she wears a bandana most of the time… People say shes a witch… she was.” Desi finished. “She was a Russian woman… I loved her like a mother.”
More silence filled the room once again… Desi soon stood up. “I’ve gotta go to work.” She mumbled, before hurrying out the door, before Peter could say anything.
It was late at night… Desi still hadnt come home. Peter wasnt worried, he just assumed that Desi had ran off again because of the way he blew up at her.
His thoughts were interrupted by Desi opening the door and walking in, then gently closing it. He could tell that she had been crying. She was carrying a plastic bag.
“Whats in the bag?” Peter asked. He was at the dining table, drinking some wine.
Desi just walked over calmly and reached into the bag, handing him a wad of $20,000. “Here. I got you your money.”
Peter shook his head. “I said I dont want your money.”
“Doesnt stop me from giving it to you.” Desi spoke.
Peter shook his head. “What else is in there?”
“Alcohol… Some secret stuff--” Desi was cut off by Peter grabbing the bag and looking into it. He saw a couple lingerie sets, and a couple vibrators.
Peter chuckled and handed the bag back. “You have fun with that.”
Desi blushed heavily, before hiding her face with her sleeve, then hurrying back upstairs.

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