Chapter 14: Drugs

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Late at night… while everybody else was asleep… Desi woke up. She felt warm breath on her neck. When she tried to move, something tightly pulled her against the body behind her, then a voice mumbled.
“Please don’t move…” It was Peter… Desi could tell that he was fast asleep.
Desi tried to get up, but his grip only got tighter. “Please…” He repeated. That’s when she realized that he wasn’t asleep. He was doing this intentionally.
Desi grumbled some unintelligible speech before trying to turn and face him, but Peter stopped her, before stuffing his face into her collarbone. Peter’s warm breath was comforting… Desi didn’t mind being cuddled… but she had other things on her mind. Peter started to bite her neck, and before she knew it, Desi had a hickey… Peter fell asleep soon enough, still with his cold lips on Desi’s neck.
The next morning, Peter woke up earlier than usual, and he got up out of bed, leaving Desi cold and shivering from the absent warmth that Peter gave. Peter noticed that he had a voicemail, he picked up the phone and answered it. “…Desi we have a job. Get up.”
Desi stretched and got up slowly. She was still in her bra. Peter looked around the room, but couldn’t find her tank top… “…Wheres your shirt.” He asked.
“I-It tore…” Desi responded quietly.
Peter hesitated, thinking, before turning to the closet and getting a shirt, then throwing it to Desi. “There.”
Desi looked at Peter and smiled… Her stare was longing… It made Peter a little bit uncomfortable. He shrugged it off and went to get in the shower. He felt like he needed one.
Desi looked at the shirt that Peter gave her, and smiled. She hugged it tightly, then put it on, then put her coat on over it.
When Peter got out of the shower, he was carrying the Xyrem box. “Desi, its time for your medicine.”
Desi winced just from the thought of the needle hitting her vein, she quickly ran outside before Peter saw her, and she ended up crawling out the window, and getting onto the roof.
Peter looked around, before walking outside. “Desi? Where the fuck did you go?” He spoke, confused as to why his partner just suddenly disappeared.
He heard a soft whimper above him, and he looked up to see Desi on top of the roof, sliding only slightly, as the struggled not to fall.
Peter immediately jumped into action, he put the Xyrem somewhere safe nearby, before he looked up and held his arms out. “Jump Desi. Ive got you.”
Desi refused to jump, but Peter urged her on, until finally she slipped, her leg got caught and a sharp piece of metal caught itself in her skin, and created a large gash on her leg, Peter quickly caught her safely, while Desi sobbed from the throbbing pain in her ankle.
Peter set Desi on her feet gently, then grabbed the Xyrem box, before helping Desi get back inside. He sat her down on the couch. “Desi, you have to trust me.” He explained.
Desi just slowly nodded, before she looked Peter in the face and smiled. “Youre beautiful.” She hummed. Peter looked at her oddly. “Um… Okay…”
“Are you sure youre not an angel?” Desi asked, reaching out to touch his face, but Peter immediately grabbed her wrist and stopped her. “Desi, are you doing drugs?”
Desi’s face became pale, she looked down and away from him. Peter’s mouth dropped open. “Unbelievable.” He hissed, shoving her back. “Where are they.”
Desi refused to answer, she just looked away and closed her eyes tightly. Peter grabbed a random glass on the table and shattered it on the floor.
Desi yelped and pointed into the kitchen. “TH-THIRD DRAWER!!!”
Peter hurried into the kitchen, and opened the drawer, grabbing everything in the drawer and getting ready to discard it.
Desi dashed outside and to his car, she jumped in, and tried to start driving, but the keys weren’t in the ignition. Peter stormed out of the house. Desi locked the doors to the car, but Peter wasn’t having it. He punched straight through the window of the car.
“ARE YOU FIVE YEARS OLD, DESI?” He screamed, holding up a cocaine baggie. “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!”
Desi whimpered, before answering hostily. “I’m 27, thanks very fucking much.” When Desi realized she gave him attitude, she quickly looked down. Peter grabbed the back of her collar. “THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ACTING LIKE A FUCKING CHILD?!”
Desi shut her mouth and avoided eye contact, thinking that maybe if she was quiet, he would stop.
Peter sighed and dropped the baggie and her shirt. “…If you want to destroy your life more than we already have… Be my guest.”
Desi slowly got out of the car, and started to leave. Peter watched her go quietly.
“…Replace me somehow.” Desi said softly.
Peter paused. “I’m afraid that wont be possible.” He said. “I had a lot of trust in you.” He continued, hoping that she would stop to listen. Desi tried to keep walking, but she felt herself slow.
“…Maybe you’ll find a tough guy… Not a girl who cant do shit.” Desi whimpered.
Peter kept trying… He couldn’t loose her again. “I don’t need a guy. You can do some serious damage. You have a strong impact… You always have.”
Desi stopped walking for just a moment, she thought about it… She didn’t want to ruin Peter’s life again… She didn’t want to hurt him, and she felt the only way to keep him from being hurt, is to leave. She quickly started walking again, getting further away.
Peter finally gave in, figuring that its too late. He paused before speaking.
“…Goodbye Desi.” He paused. “I… I love you.”
It hit Desi hard to hear him say that, she started crying. “Don’t lie to yourself.” She quickly ran off, before anything else could be said.
“…Believe what you want…” Peter mumbled, before slowly walking back inside.

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