Chapter 27: Adoption

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It was September 9th, Desi was taking a nap. She was exhausted from work. Peter was in the kitchen, scrolling through messages on his phone from prank callers and fans who got his number. He scrolled over a particular message that caught his eye.
‘Hey u! I love ur work! I’m Violet. I wanna get to know u! ;) I might have a little crush on you too XD’ The message read.
Peter paused, before texting back. ‘Hello. I’m Peter. You’re talking about my killings, yes?’
‘Duh, silly!’ The girl messaged back.
‘Well what do you want to know.’ Peter messaged back.
‘I wanna meet you personally. ;)’ She messaged back. 
‘Where.’ Peter messaged. He checked behind him, to see if Desi was there. She was still in the room.
‘How bout the Diamond Strip Joint? I work there’ The girl texted.
‘Okay. I’ll meet you there in 10.’ Peter messaged.
‘Sounds good.’ She texted back.
Peter got up, before heading out. He brought his mask… He never went anywhere without it.
10 minutes later… Desi woke up and headed downstairs… She found it strange how Peter wasnt home. She looked around quietly. “Where the hell is he…?” She mumbled. She checked her own phone to see if she had any messages. None.
She checked around for Peter’s mask, of course she didnt find it. As she was looking, her phone suddenly rang. She looked at the caller ID. It was Peter. She quickly answered it.
“Hullo Hullo?” Desi answered.
“Hey Des Des. I have a surprise for you. Come meet me at the Diamond Strip Joint.” Peter said.
“Um… Why?” Desi asked.
“Just come here. I want to show you something.” He said, before hanging up.
Desi had no choice but to go. She got dressed, before heading out quickly. She hopped onto her motorcycle, and hurried there.
When she got there, it was dark out. The inside of the club was dimly lit. She found it odd how there was no bouncer waiting outside the doors. She carefully entered, being cautious. When she reached the main room, she noticed everybody inside the club was dead. Everyone. Peter was standing in the middle of the open floor, 3 women were on their knees in front of him, all tied up and gagged. They looked to be strippers.
Desi walked forward. “Peter what the fuck is this?!” 
Peter grabbed Desi’s arm suddenly and pulled her next to him. “Check it out. Three miserable ladies, forced to slave away for horny guys, just to feed themselves.” He paused, before continuing. “Or so you think until you check their backgrounds.” He pointed his knife at the girl with blonde hair, brown eyes, and darker skin. “Samantha Brooks, age 32, married to Harold Brooks. Her reasoning for being here is that she wants the attention, and that her husband always has to work.” He pointed his knife at the next one, she had black hair, blue eyes, and creamy white skin. “Julie Bright, age 27, pimped out by her own father to make money. She likes it though.” Peter pointed his knife at the last one… she looked young, she clearly had Japanese in her. Her hair was black, and her eyes were hazel… She had a scar across her cheek. “Hiromi Lee, age… 15. Daughter of Izumi Lee. She’s here because she has no other way to keep herself and her little sister and brother fed. They were left orphans after you and I killed their father. But being with their father wasnt a good thing for them either. He was abusive, if it isnt obvious enough.” Peter looked at Desi. “Spare one, kill the other two.” 
Desi sighed. “Peter why do you make me do this all the fucking time?”
“I like to see how you handle these situations.” Peter hissed, before handing her the knife. 
Desi gripped the knife, before walking over to Samantha. “Whore.” She hissed, slitting her throat.
Julie flinched, whimpering. Desi walked over to Julie and stabbed her in the stomach. “Slut.” She growled.
She pointed the knife at Hiromi. “...Widespread Beauty.” She said, before lowering the knife.
Peter snapped his fingers. “Alright. Get her in the car.”
Desi looked at Peter. “What?”
“You heard me. We’re taking her and her siblings home.” Peter said, motioning to Desi. “Chop chop!”
Desi did as she was told, she took Hiromi to the car carefully, and Peter drove to Izumi’s old house. Hiromi kept her eyes locked on Desi, obviously afraid of Peter… but she found odd comfort in Desi. 
Peter parked in front of the house and walked inside. He went to the little kid’s room, where they were sleeping. The little girl woke up from the footsteps. Peter slowly opened the door, and walked in.
The little girl tilted her head at him. “Daddy?” She asked. She looked like she was about 2 years old. There was a little boy, maybe 9 years old, asleep on the floor.
“No… I’m not your daddy.” Peter told her. She didnt seem afraid of him. She giggled. “Un...Uni….” She tried to speak. 
Peter kneeled next to her crib. “Well c’mon. Say it.” He urged.
“Un...i…” She tried again.
“U...Ni….Corn.” Peter sounded it out.
“U….Niii…. Corn!” The little girl giggled. Peter smiled and looked at her crib, it had her name in wooden letters on it. Kaiya.
“Well Kaiya… I’m going to be taking care of you.” Peter said. He reached into the crib and brought her out. “Upsie Daisy…” He hummed. He grabbed a couple things from the room. Kaiya saw her favorite stuffed animal, she whined and pointed to it. “B-Bubbah!” She exclaimed, reaching for it.
Peter looked. It was a stuffed panda. Peter held Kaiya on his hip, then he picked up the panda and handed it to her. “Is his name Bubbah?”
Kaiya nodded shyly, stuffing her face in the stuffed animal.
Peter smiled, before turning to the little boy. He nudged him gently. “C’mon champ. Wake up.”
The little boy slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, before looking at him. “...Wh...Who are you…?” He whimpered.
“I’m Peter. I’m going to be taking care of you. Whats your name?” Peter asked.
“N...Naomi…” He said. Peter helped him up. “Well come on Naomi.”
Peter smiled, before walking out of the house. He headed to the car, walking quickly. 
He hopped into the car, and put Kaiya and Naomi in the back with her sister. “Alright you three. We will be taking very good care of you, as long as you dont misbehave. Alright? Your father died, and we’re now your parents.” Peter explained. Desi looked at Peter. “I thought you said we wouldn't be good parents.”
Peter looked back at her. “I changed my mind.” He smiled.

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