Chapter 21: Ssroken

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Desi was out. She knocked herself out with several units of alcohol. She figured that nobody would bother her, they would just see her as another drunk junkie.
Or so she thought.
Desi woke up hours later… She was in a dim, damp room. The only light was a singular light bulb, hanging from a wire on the ceiling. The light would flicker sometimes. The whole room seemed to be made of concrete. She slowly sat up, when she realized she was on the cold ground. She tried to make sense of what she was seeing. The room smelt terrible, almost like roadkill. As if there were a rotting corpse just meters away. She looked down at herself, and realized someone had removed all of her clothes, besides her undergarments. 
She gasped.
“Oh fuck, somebody took my kidney, didnt they!” She panicked, quickly checking herself for scars. There was none. She relaxed when she realized that she was okay, but she began to panic mentally again. “I-I never should have left…”
Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by a door opening. In the bright light of the door stood a figure… It was a male. He shut the door and walked forward. He came into the light… He looked Japanese. He had a buzz cut, his eye had a long gash down it. His eyes were a deep hazel. The man spoke a phrase in Japanese, in which Desi didnt understand. She curled up and backed up against the wall. “WH-WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” Desi demanded.
The man chuckled at her fear, grinning deviously. “I know who you are.” He spoke. He had a thick Japanese accent.
Desi took a couple breaths to calm her mind. “H-How did you find me…” 
The man pulled a switch blade from his pocket and flipped it open in front of Desi’s face. “Where’s loverboy.” He hissed.
“Probably dead.” Desi mumbled, refusing to give up Peter’s location. Of course he was looking for Peter…
“Dead?” The man asked. “How come?”
“S-Suicide.” Desi paused. “He shot himself.” Desi assumed. She didnt know what happened when she left… all she knows is that she regretted it.
“Why havent you burried him then?” The man asked.
Desi was getting close to breaking down in tears from all this chit chat about the man who she loved, who may be dead. “Because I left! Okay? All I know is that when I left, he had a gun to his head! Now I have a question for you… WHERE THE FUCK AM I!!!” She demanded.
The man frowned. “Are you scared?” He asked.
“No. Not of just one measly little man.” Desi smirked. “I could take you out in seconds.”
The man snapped his fingers, two muscular men joined him in the room, and stood at his side.
“People can hear you, you know. 4 other people.” The man hissed.
“Then give them a little show. Drown their ears with my screams of bloody murder.” Desi grinned, her eye twitched slightly as she thought about her own death. She knew she couldnt find a way out of this one on her own.
The man laughed and slapped the shoulder of one of the men. “Oh no, I dont want that.” He started, before pointing the blade at her throat, and giving a sudden, deadly glare. “Youre here for a reason.”
Desi remained silent for a moment. “Youre not going to get anything out of me.” She hissed quietly.
The man had enough of Desi’s shit. “Nōtarin.” He ordered. One of the men walked over and grabbed Desi by her hair, pulling her off the ground by it. Desi yelped and grabbed the man’s wrist in an attempt to free herself, but his grip only got tighter.
The man threw her down after a moment, Desi growled, looking up at them. “Yebat' tebya…” She grumbled.
She wouldnt give in… she didnt want to.
The middle man stood over her, before reaching into his back pocket. “I know what you fear.” He smirked, before pulling a long syringe out of his pocket. 
Desi’s breath hitched as her eyes locked on the shining needle. She hated the thought of the needle piercing her vein, and injecting some unnatural fluid into her body.
“I… I wont… I wont tell you…” She stuttered.
The man took a vial of fluid out of his pocket. “Hydrochloric acid.” He stated.
Desi shook her head. “No… No… Im not going to…” She whispered.
The man grabbed another vial. “Sulfuric.” He informed.
Desi’s eyes suddenly dialated, she looked at him and grinned. “Now isnt that lovely?” She smiled widely.
The man kicked her in the jaw, bringing her back to her senses, before showing her another vial. “Liquid rodenticides.” He noted. 
Desi started to doubt him. “You know you've been bluffing for a very long time, and nothing has even happened.” She taunted, risking her own life.
The man scoffed. “Cocky one.” He smirked, before he filled the syringe with an unknown fluid, then ordered the two men to hold Desi down. They did so, as she struggled. She watched as he jabbed the needle into her arm, Desi suddenly yelped and kicked him in the face, his head turned with the blow, but he only looked back calmly and put his thumb on the pump of the syringe.
Desi clenched her teeth. “Try me, motherfucker.” She hissed.
The man pressed on the pump, filling her veins with the torrid liquid. It started in her arm, and was carried with her blood throughout her body. Desi shrieked in pain, throwing her head back and struggling roughly. She didnt want to move her arm, fearing that the needle would break off and get stuck in her arm.
He injected her more, until suddenly, Desi jerked her arm away, snapping the needle, and getting it stuck inside her arm. She leaped away from the other two men, and tackled the main man down, screaming with anger. She grabbed a loose stone from the ground, and was about to bash his head open, but one of the men quickly grabbed her and threw her on the ground.
The man stood up and walked over to Desi, crouching in front of her. “American.” He started. “Why are you so stubborn?” 
Desi was still trembling from the lingering torrid fluids still in her veins. She breathed out sharply. “Because.” She winced, tensing up more. “I have felt pain. And I can take lots more. You are just a minor impact.” Desi choked out, as she felt the torrid liquid start to fade, relieving her of her pain.
“Oh its not about pain.” The man started. “Its about fear.”
“Well guess what, Jap.” She looked him in the eye. “I’m not afraid of you.”
The man chuckled and shook his head, turning around. He opened a box that was on the table behind him, which Desi hadnt even seen before. He turned back to Desi, and threw a bloody unicorn mask into her arms. “Not yet.” He hissed. “Just tell me where you think he is.”
Desi paused, looking at the mask… pondering all the things that Peter has done… everything he made her go through. “If I tell you…” She started. “Will you finally release me?”
“Whatever you wished for. We could also cut you a deal. You tell us NOW, and maybe we’ll throw in a prize.” He reached into the box, and took out a 5 pound bag of cocaine.
“Again, I know everything about you. All of your fears… Your admirations… Your acomplishments… What you hate… What you love.”
Desi couldnt resist anymore. She finally gave in. “He’s in the shadier side of the city, theres a house there that looks unoccupied, its number is 185.” She told him. “Now that you know… Can I please just leave?”
The man shook his head. “Fucking pathetic. Sacrificing your love for your own, selfish wants.”
Desi looked down quietly. “He’s going to die anyway…”
“Or is it that you…” The man paused. “Never really loved him?” 
Desi completely froze, her eyes opened and she looked at him. “After everything he’s done to me… After everything…” She paused. Her next statement was unexpected… “I still love him.”
“Popestrous.” The man grinned widely.
“But he never loved me back. Thats why I’m giving up now… I never had a chance with him. I was just his bitch. Now can I PLEASE leave?” Desi pleaded.
“Before I let you go, I’m going to ask you for one favor.” He stated, offering a hand to help her up. Desi grabbed his hand and pulled herself off the ground.
“What do you need from me.”
The man let go of her hand, and reached into his back pocket. He grabbed something, then held his hand out to Desi, fist closed, palm down.
Desi held her hand under his, he opened his hand… He had given her a small, closed switchblade. The handle had ‘Love’ engraved on it in Japanese.
“Kill Peter.”
Desi’s eyes widened, she covered her mouth with her other hand, as tears welled up in her eyes. “I…” She didnt know what to say or do… “I cant…”
“Why?” The man demanded. “This man has tormented you for the entirety of him knowing you. He’s beaten you, screamed at you, restricted you, and abused you. He treats you like an animal. You still love him? You wont do it because you ‘Love him’? Yeah. Sure. He loves you too. Thats why he wont even give you the time of day. Just fucking kill him. Then all the torment would be over.” The man snapped.
Part of Desi wanted to do as she was told, and part of her wanted to fake it.
She finally decided to listen to half of her…
“I’ll do it…” Desi said quietly.
The man patted her shoulder. “Wise choice.” He handed her her clothes from the box. “We head to him at dawn. Walk into the house, greet him, and stab him when you get the chance. Got it?” He instructed.
Desi nodded slowly. “Yes sir.” She said quietly.
“Theres more items in the box.” He started to leave, but he stopped at the door. “By the way… Call me Izumi.”
Desi felt her heart sink. She knew it was somebody against Peter but she didnt know it was HIM.
“Y-Yes sir-- Izumi.” She corrected herself.

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