Chapter 26: Wake Up

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Desi heard nothing but a faint voice talking to her, the words were unintelligible. She felt weak and tired… As she started to move more, the voice stopped, before she heard it again. “Desi?” It muffledly said. She didnt recognize the voice.
There were other murmurs in the room… She didnt know who was there. She felt something in her hand. She moved her hand only slightly, to realize it was another hand. “Desi.” The voice said again… It was Peter. She recognized it immediately.
She opened her eyes, just barely. She was blinded by bright lights. She winced. 
“Oh thank heavens…” A female voice spoke. It was Rose. 
“What happened?” Queen’s voice asked.
“Well Peter kept telling me…” King’s voice faded when he started explaining.
Desi opened her eyes as much as she could. “H….Hullo…?” She said weakly. 
Peter perked up immediately. “Desi! Oh my god youre okay!” He exclaimed, squeezing her hand. “I-I thought you were dead!” 
Desi looked around slowly, she was in a hospital room, in a hospital bed. She was in a blue gown. She sat up more and put her hand on her head. “A-Am I in the hospital…?”
“A hospital, yes. I own this business though, so all criminal records are hidden.” Rose explained, smiling.
“What… What happened…?” Desi looked around. “Wheres the kids?!” She suddenly became worried.
Peter tried to calm Desi down quickly. “You showed me the test, it was positive. Then you just fainted, then before I knew it you were having a seizure. Y-You were in a coma for… maybe two months. The… The children didnt make it, but I knew we wouldnt be good parents in the first place.” 
Desi slowly calmed down, but she started to cry.
Peter held her hand tighter. “Desi calm down… Having children is possibly the WORST thing that would happen to us.” He explained.
Desi slowly calmed down. She sniffled and rubbed her eyes. “I-I was going to g-go through with the p-pregnancy, then give the c-children to Мать Кристалл… she always t-told me, if I were to e-ever have kids… She wanted to take th-them in…” 
Peter held her hand gently. “...Maybe something can be arranged someday. But right now, we cant. Everything is too complicated right now.” He whispered.
Rose walked over to the bedside and sat on the edge of the bed, she was still in her usual red dress. “I brought you something.” She said, reaching to the bedside table, and grabbing a small bundle of red roses, she handed the roses to Desi. “I heard that you like roses.”
Desi smiled, wiping away her tears. “Thank you, Rose.”
Rose just smiled softly.
King approached the side of the bed, and kneeled next to it. “Youre a fighter. You know that? Youre strong. The doctor said that your body temperature was WAY below average, and you didnt even have a pulse at first. Theyre amazed that youre still alive.”
Queen hugged Desi softly. “Youre inspiring… Very inspiring. Youve impacted a lot of us lately.”
Desi chuckled. “What is up with all the mushy stuff.” She joked.
Peter laughed a bit. “We were all so worried… We thought you wouldnt make it.”
Desi looked at Peter and smirked. “Since when have I never made it.”
Soon enough, Desi was discharged from the hospital. Peter took her home. She told everybody that Desi would probably need a day at home to recover. He took her home…
The house was a bit messier than usual. “I tried to clean but I didnt know when youd be back, so I left it how it was.” 
“Its okay, you dont have to apologize. Cleaning is my job.” Desi noted.
Peter smiled, and gently pat her back. “I’m glad to see you alive and well.” He paused. “Do you want to watch a movie with me?”
Desi gave him a strange look. “A… A movie? You want to watch… A movie?” 
Peter nodded. “Yeah. Theres a really good horror movie out, its called IT. Not sure if you’ve--”
“I LOVE STEPHAN KING!!!” Desi exclaimed excitedly. “I used to read all his books! Мать Кристалл always had the new ones ready for me to read!” 
Peter chuckled. “I guess its IT then.” He furrowed his brows in confusion at his own sentence.
Desi hurried into the living room and jumped onto the couch. 
“Easy now.” Peter urdged, putting the movie in and starting it, before sitting next to her.

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