Chapter 19: Bjørn

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Half an hour later… they arrived in front of a small house. There was only a dim light on. There were gang signs, and vulgarity, and quick scribbles of phalluses. Peter shut the car off, and got out. He helped Desi out of the car. “Would you like to meet my boss?”
Desi softly nodded .”The only problem is… I’m a female…”
“You’d get along with my boss just fine then.” Peter smirked.
“What the fuck does that mean?” Desi asked.
Peter didnt respond. He walked up to the door and knocked loudly. He motioned for Desi to come forward. She only did as she was told… She didnt understand what he meant by she’d get along with his boss. She feared for the worst. Desi never got along with men.
The door cracked open. “Oi! Peter!” A man with a strong scottish accent spoke. “Come in! Come in!” He said, opening the door more.
Desi only waited for instructions… she never did anything out of place without being told to.
“...’Ell come on in lass! You must be freezin’ your arse off, eh?” The man said, Desi looked at Peter, who only nodded at her. Desi slowly walked in.
The room was very dirty. There was dust and trash all over. In the main room, there were two, cream colored couches, that were torn, facing each other. In between the two, there was a coffee table, which looked relatively new.
Peter was relaxing on one of the couches, he looked at Desi and patted the spot next to him. Desi, still very aware of what was around her, slowly sat next to Peter. Peter gently placed his hand on her thigh, but she quickly brushed his hand off and scooted away. Peter just frowned at this.
The scottish man shut the door, and turned to face the two. He was larger. Tall, and fat. His head was shaved completely, and he had a large burn, across the left side of his face. His skin was almost pale. He had green eyes, and he was missing two or three teeth. The rest were almost entirely yellow. He was wearing gym shorts, and a white tank top, that seemed too small for him. Sweat soaked the armpits of the shirt.
Desi felt somewhat uncomfortable with this man. Despite Peter being right next to her, she still felt afraid.
“Welp.” The man suddenly said. “Better get the boss, innit?” He winked at Desi, only increasing her fear and tension, before heading upstairs.
Inside the room were two other men. Both were tall, and well built. They wore jeans and zip up hoodies. One had a baseball cap on, and the other wore a pair of shades.
Desi glanced over at Peter, questioning her trust for him…
Just then, her thoughts were interrupted when a tall, slender woman walked downstairs. She was wearing a fancy red dress. She had soft, clear white skin, and long, flowing black hair. She had beautiful brown eyes, and her long nails were painted red. She was also wearing mascara, and red lipstick. Her fancy attire seemed to be extremely out of place, with the dirty house.  She stepped over to Peter. Peter stood up, and gave the woman a hug. The woman hugged back, and chuckled. 
Desi was shocked, and confused.
“Peter.” The woman spoke, smiling. She had a thick, norweighn accent. She sounded friendly and sweet.
“Bjørn” Peter replied, smiling, still with the woman in his arms.
Desi felt jealousy course through her. She avoided looking at them… She kept her eyes on the ground, questioning what Peter’s relationship with this woman was.
The two released each other, and Bjørn noticed Desi on the couch. 
“And you are?” She asked. Her tone gave Desi a slight sense of relief.
“Desi, Ma’am… D-Desi Rall Richard.” Desi stuttered, fixing her posture.
“Oh Please!” The woman giggled. “Just call me Rose.”
Desi liked the way she said Rose, the way it rolled off her tongue was almost satisfying to hear.
“Yes Ma’am-- ROSE! Miss… Rose…” Desi felt her face heat up with embarrassment. “I’m sorry…” She whispered. 
Rose shook her head. “Well this was a turn of events! If I knew we were to have company, I wouldnt have let them in here! This place is a mess!” Rose looked at Desi with a worried expression. “My apologies, darling.”
“No worries… Peter’s place cant be any better.” Desi glanced at Peter and flashed a smile. Peter shrugged, and Rose laughed.
“I mean, you do have a point.” Peter smiled.
“Anyway, we do have business to tend to, yes?” Rose asked.
Peter and Rose began to discuss the flash drive.
Desi huffed and started fiddling with her thumbs, before she lifted her head. “Hey can I bum a cigarette?” She asked the two men.
The man with the cap was already smoking a joint. He held it out to Desi. “Eh?” he offered.
Desi’s eyes lit up, she glanced at Peter to see if he was paying attention. He was too focused on the Drive.
Rose was paying attention though. She was staring at her. Desi felt like she was being judged, but she took her chances. She took the blunt, and took a huge hit. She coughed, then handed the joint back.
“Mmmh… Thats good. What type?” Desi asked.
“Sativa.” The man replied. Peter heard and glanced over.
“Desi, dont get high off your tits please.” 
Desi smiled and leaned back. “Hey Pete can I tell you a secret?” She motioned for him to lean closer.
Peter leaned closer to her.
Desi opened her mouth and breathed weed smoke in his face. “I’m hiiigh dawg.” He dragged on.
Peter coughed and slapped her across the face, hard enough to turn her head. “Dont fucking do that.” 
Rose crossed her arms and chuckled at Desi. “A smoker, huh?”
Peter shook his head and changed the subject.
“So, I found an address, and some emails.” He started. “It seems to be to a fancy hotel. 5 star. Our guy is meeting up with some other dudes. And they’ve got cash. Our guy is EXPECTING a shit-tonne of cash, in exchange for what he claims to be pure columbian.”
            Desi perked up, at the mention of drugs, but decided not to say anything.
Desi was confused as to what was going on, she cleared her throat to get their attention. 
They both looked at Desi.
“I-I’m lost…” She paused. “Whats even going on?”
Rose looked at Peter. “Peter?” She said.
Peter cleared his throat. “So, Izumi Lee used to do work for us. He eventually ratted on us, in favor of a group of poor sods. Ssroken… Ssroken something. A rather small gang, It lacks members, but its INCREDIBLY well built.” He said.
Desi tilted her head, processing the information.
“So in return of him betraying us, for a bunch of cunts, may I remind you, We’re making business harder for him. Just a bit. Its obviously fun to fuck around with him, but we’re going to kill him sooner or later.” He finished.
Rose chuckled. “Yep… Thats pretty much it.”
Desi slowly nodded. “Okay… Well… You guys have fun with that…” She mumbles.
“Dont you want to help?” Rose asked. “Peter has told me about you! I’m sure you’ll be a good fit!”
Desi paused and looked at Peter. “All bad I’m guessing.” She mumbled. “I’ll have to think about it…”
Peter looked confused at Desi.
“Well let me know when youve decided.” Rose said.
Desi looked at Peter. “Are we leaving soon? I’m fucking exauhsted.” 
Peter looked at Rose. “We’ll be leaving now. Thank you, Bjørn.” He smiled.
“Thank you, Peter!” Rose smiled. Peter leaned over and kissed Rose on the cheek.
Desi turned her head away, before hurrying back to the car. She climbed in the passenger’s seat.
Soon enough, Peter got into the driver’s seat. He sat in silence for a minute.
“Well?” Peter asked.
“Well what.” Desi responded.
“Are you going to help?” Peter asked.
“Look, I’m still thinking. I cant make decisions in a couple seconds.” Desi replied. She turned away from him and closed her eyes.
“You dont seem to like talking to me anymore.” Peter noted.
Desi turned to look at him. “Its 12:00 at night. I’m tired.” She snapped. “I want to sleep.” She turned back onto her side.
“What is wrong with you tonight?! Ever since we got back from that last job youve been acting weird, Desi!” Peter scolded.
“Just stop.” Desi covered her ears.
Peter rolled his eyes. “Fine. Fucking bitch.”
Desi sighed. “Call me whatever you want… It doesnt matter anymore.” She mumbled… A thought came back to bug her… She felt like she wasnt actually with Peter… She felt like he was already with Rose, and that she was just a side bitch. Desi started to cry, but silently, until she fell asleep in the passenger’s seat of the car.
Peter looked at her, knowing she was asleep by her breathing rate. He thought about what happened between them that night… He felt like she thought he was just hungry for something… That wasnt the case at all… He loved her. He didnt love Rose, its just how they were. It was formal. Rose was a beautiful woman, gorgeous in all of her features, but Desi was perfect in Peter’s eyes. He adapted to how she looked, and thats all he found beautiful anymore. Just Desi.

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