Chapter 11: I lost count

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Its been quite awhile. Desi has stopped keeping track of time. She was more focused on Peter, and work. When Desi asked if she was getting her own room, Peter didn’t feel like showing her the stripper room he set up awhile back, so he just responded with; “You’ll sleep on my bed with me.”
Desi, without questions, accepted. They started sharing a bed and a room together. Peter had the left side of the bed, and Desi had the right, though sometimes Desi would roll over too far on his side, and he’d get a little annoyed. She wasn’t the quietest sleeper either… but she didn’t snore. Instead, she made some strange purring-like noise with her throat, similar to a cat. It didn’t bother him at all.
It was 12:00 at night… Peter was fast asleep, but Desi wasn’t. She had something on her mind. She sat up in bed quietly, and grabbed her phone, and dialed a number.
“Hey girl. Looking for another deal?” The man on the other end asked.
“Yeah… I’ll trade anything.” Desi whispered.
“I’ll just take a couple hundreds.” The man spoke. “What’ll it be.”
“Cocaine. Columbian Cocaine.” Desi whispered, looking at Peter to make sure he was asleep.
“Perfect… I’ll meet you at your house.” The man spoke.
“Great… and try to keep it quiet this time… My roommate is asleep.” Desi whispered, before hanging up.
The man arrived soon enough, he knocked quietly. Desi quickly hurried to the door, the man stood at the door, they did a quick trade… A pound of cocaine in a large, duct taped baggie, for 500 dollars. She pat the man’s shoulder, before opening the bag and sniffing some up. “Mmmmh fuck yes…” She mumbled. “Thank you… God Ive been waiting for this shit all week!”
“Good to know. Have fun.” The man walked away, Desi shut the door behind him and walked into the kitchen, clearing off the coffee table, before she started sniffing up just enough to hype her up enough to keep her awake for awhile. Her hands began to shake violently, as she zipped up the baggie and let her high course through her. Soon, she shoved the baggie into a drawer where she kept the rest of her stuff, then she cleaned up, and slowly went back upstairs to bed, when her high finally left, she fell asleep.
The next morning, Peter woke before her. He found it strange that she woke up late. “Lazy ass.” He joked to himself, smirking.
He walked into the kitchen and started to cook. When he was done, Desi walked into the room, and sat at the kitchen table.
Peter looked at her. “Morning. Because you didn’t wake up, I had to cook. Maybe set an alarm next time you decide to sleep in.” He said, placing a plate of food in front of her, and sitting down with his own plate.
“Yes sir…” Desi mumbled.
Peter flinched slightly and looked at her. “Did you just call me sir?”
Desi nodded. “Sorry… I wont do that again…” She mumbled.
Peter looked at her strangely, before clearing his throat. “Looks like I have work today, so you’ll be home alone.” He pointed his fork at her. “No friends over.” He joked.
Desi just nodded… Normally she would laugh at his jokes.
By the time Peter was done eating, Desi hadn’t even touched her food.
Peter looked at her with realization. “Don’t waste food.”
Desi paused, before pushing the plate away. “I’m not hungry.”
Peter gave her a sour look. “If you don’t eat it, I’ll feed it to the dog.” He said, getting up and walking to her.
“Go ahead then.” Desi had some attitude in her voice.
Peter slammed his hand on the table, making Desi flinch. He leaned closer. “Next time, eat. I want your strength for our next job.” He growled. He knocked the plate off the table, it shattered on the ground.
“Now clean the glass up. If my dog gets hurt, youre dead.” He whispered. Desi was oddly aroused by the way he was talking to her, she breathily moaned and leaned her head back slightly. “Okay.” She hummed.
Peter found this weird, he quickly left for his job, as Desi started cleaning the glass.
Ruby and Bear hurried downstairs and started eating the food, as Desi hurried to her drug cubie and took some pills that she saved.
A couple weeks later… The drugs were getting to her. Everytime she got hurt, she would laugh hysterically, or moan in a sexual way… it made her a masochist. Even Peter couldn’t hurt her physically, she would beg for him to hit her more if he did hurt her. He stopped putting his hands on her at all… it made him uncomfortable… This wasn’t the Desi he knew. He felt like she was an entirely different woman…
One night… Peter decided not to sleep, instead, he only pretended to sleep. When Desi was convinced, she quickly got up and hurried downstairs, and grabbed a baggie of Cocaine, and sniffed some up, she leaned her head back and moaned.
Peter slowly snuck downstairs and watched from around the corner, studying what it was… When he realized, he quickly rushed to her and knocked the baggie out of her hand, and slapped her across the face, Desi moaned, and smiled, leaning her head back and starting to laugh.
“DESI STOP IT!!!!” Peter screamed in her face, grabbing her shoulders roughly, digging his nails into her pretty pale skin. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?! IS THIS WHY YOU ARENT ACTING NORMAL?!” He screamed at her, to get no response. He slapped her across the face, earning another odd moan. “ANSWER ME!!! YOURE LOSING YOUR MIND!!!!” He screamed.
Desi just laughed, staring at the ceiling as Peter grabbed the back of her neck with both hands, making her look at him. “Desi… no…” He whispered, shaking her a bit. “Please….” He began to cry, he rested his head on her shoulder, crying. Desi tried to pry his hands off of her, but he only slid his hands to her wrists and held her tightly there, so he could cry.
Desi recognized his soft touch… from the night she was sleeping, the night he stitched her up… the way his grip was oddly gentle made her high flee slowly, her eyes went back to a normal state.
Peter lifted his head from her shoulder and gently grabbed her hand, and gently breathed onto her wrist, trying to calm himself down from her scent, but all he could smell was cocaine. He choked a bit, and let go slowly. “…I’m sorry… Goodnight…” Peter mumbled, heading back up to his room.
Desi thought about what just happened, she looked at her hand, before slowly walking to the couch and laying down. She soon started to regain herself.

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