Chapter 18: Contract

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Peter woke up a little later than usual. He felt around the bed for Desi, only to realize she wasnt there. He opened his eyes and sat up. 
He heard Desi in the bathroom, humming. She was in the shower. He calmed down when he realized this, he got up out of bed and put on his boxers and his pants. He walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He walked to the medicine cabinet and got Desi’s Xyrem ready. 
“Desi, when youre out of the shower, I’m going to give you your medicine.” Peter told her.
Desi’s voice from the shower just hummed an ‘Mhm’.
Peter pulled the needle out of the Xyrem box and filled the needle to the regular amount, before turning the needle and tapping the air bubbles out. Desi got out of the shower soon enough, and wrapped herself up in a towel. Peter gave her the medicine, he looked at her expression, wondering if she remembered what happened that night, or if it even happened at all…
Desi just gave a soft smile, before getting dressed.
Peter walked out of the bathroom and started getting dressed. “So I signed up for a contract today. All we’ve got to do is break into a building, steal a flash drive, and take it to my boss. Simple.” He explained. “And youre coming with me.”
Desi stretched. “Ive been looking for some action anyway.” She smiled, before pulling her letterman coat on over her T-Shirt and then putting her jeans on.
They headed out to the car quickly, and got in. Peter noticed a new motorcycle in the driveway. It had a multichrome paint job, and looked brand new.
“Who’s is that?” Peter asked, motioning to it.
“Its mine.I bought it recently.” Desi said softly.
Soon they arrived at the address, Peter put on his mask, and got out of the car..
Peter took a phone out of his pocket, along with a silenced SMG, he dialed a number quickly, then waited, as Desi checked around for a weapon, she settled with a metal pole, before she put her mask on.
Peter finally spoke. "Bjørn.” He said. “I’m here. I brought a friend for the job.” He said. Peter hung up the phone and looked at Desi. He just simply nodded. Desi nodded back, and they quickly got to work.
Peter kicked down the door, shooting anybody who was guarding, before walking inside, he checked around quietly, before speaking. “Clear.”
Desi followed behind him closely… She always had his back. Peter approached the stairs, but held up a hand… He heard voices downstairs. He aimed his SMG, then fired twice. Two people fell in the next room. It seems somebody else heard as well.
“Did you hear that?” A man with a strong Japanese accent spoke.
“Check your surr--” Before the other man could finish, Desi rushed into the dark. “Desi no!” Peter yelled, but Desi already got started, she hit one man in the face with the pole, and knocked the other one down with the man, before she smashed the skull of both at the same time.
The last man tried to flee, but Peter quickly shot him in the knee, knocking him to the ground.
“F-FUCKING AMERICANS!!!” The man screamed in pain, tears forming in his eyes.
Peter looked at Desi. “...Kill him.” He instructed.
Desi walked over to the man, dragging the pole behind her. The man pleaded for her not to. Desi stepped on his chest, and raised the back of the pole to his head.
“WAIT, PLEASE!” The man pleaded. Desi stopped.
“Desi what the fuck are you doing?! Kill him!” Peter yelled.
The man acted quickly, he grabbed Desi’s leg and knocked her over, before getting on top of her, and getting ready to beat her, he only got a single punch in, before Peter shot him in the head. The man toppled over on top of Desi and died.
“Next time, dont fucking hesitate.” Peter hissed.
Desi whimpered, getting up from the floor. There was a door across the room from them, Peter walked over to the door, and pressed his ear against the door… He couldnt hear anything. He tried the handle, but it was locked. He stepped back, and shot the wood around the handle, before tearing it right off.
He pushed the door open, three men were guarding a laptop. They looked at Peter, they looked shocked. 
Peter shot one down, then the next, the final one dodged.
Peter aimed and tried to fire, but his SMG was empty. He reached for a magazine, but he had none left. He looked down and clenched his fist.
“FUCK!!! WHY DID I ONLY BRING ONE!!!” He screamed, and ducked for cover around a corner. Peter breathed heavily.
“Fuck… Okay, Desi, Just wait for one to come this way, when they do, grab them. Okay?!” Peter instructed.
Desi nodded. “Yes sir.” She said in a monotone voice.
“And quit calling me sir!!” Peter hissed.
“Okay..” Desi looked to her side.
After a little while of waiting… Nothing happened. Peter slowly stood up, and motioned for Desi to follow him. They headed down the hallway slowly, being cautious.
Desi stopped short and looked at her hands. She lifted her mask up and took a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket, she took one out and lit it, taking a puff and calming herself down. 
Peter smelt the ash and turned, smacking the packet and fag out of her hand. “Are you a fucking idiot?!” He hissed.
Desi shook her head.
Peter took something out of his pocket… it was a dummy flashbang. Desi didnt know he had one…
He pulled the pin and tossed the dummy into the room.
“KUSO!!!” One of the last men screamed.
Peter stepped into the room, he saw both men hunched against the wall, covering their ears.
Peter swiftly grabbed one of the men, and threw him on the floor, before kicking him in the jaw. Desi could hear the crack of his neck, as it snapped.
Peter grabbed the other man and forced him down, stepping on his chest. He took his mask off. “Desi.” 
Desi looked. “What.”
The man struggled to get free, but every attempt he made only made Peter step harder. The man slowly accepted his fate and relaxed.
“Finish the job.” Peter instructed.
Desi followed Peter’s orders. She grabbed a loose hammer from the ground, and walked over to the man. Desi couldnt hear anything but her own breathing and heartbeat.
The man trembled with fear. “MERCY!!! PLEASE!!!” He screamed.
Desi climbed on top of him. The man started to sob. “PLEASE!!! I JUST FOLLOW ORDERS!!! JUST LIKE YOU!!! I DONT DESERVE TO DIE!!! HOW DO YOU THINK MY WIFE WILL FEEL?! HOW WILL SHE KEEP MY KIDS FED?!?!” He pleaded helplessly.
The man gave Desi one last look, and closed his eyes. “May god give me mercy…” He whispered.
Desi slammed the hammer into his skull, denting it heavily, but no blood yet. Desi pulled the hammer, then slammed it in again, this time, there was blood. It splattered all over Desi and Peter. Desi yanked the hammer out, and slammed it in again, it got stuck, but she kept pummeling his face until it was just a bloody pulp.
Peter watched, he could tell that she was starting to cry under the mask. He didnt know why, until he reached into his back pocket and took that image of Jackson out. He quickly spoke. “Stop.”
Peter’s voice interrupted her trance, she slowly calmed down, and dropped the hammer.
He walked over to Desi, and stood right in front of her, and started down at her.
“Merciless.” He said. “Unempathetic. No Sympathy… You cold blooded monster.” Peter turned his head and spit out some blood. He turned his head back and grabbed Desi’s chin, tilting her head up so she was looking at him. He stared her in the eyes through her mask.
“A job well done.” He congratulated. “How do you feel.”
Desi didnt respond… Just silence. He couldnt see any emotion in her eyes… It was empty. She pulled herself away from him and headed back to the car.
Peter turned to the computer and went to grab the flashdrive, then he stopped. “Aw what the hell.” He mumbled, and took the whole laptop. He took out his phone and dialed the number again.
“Bjørn. We finished the job.” He spoke, before hanging up and heading to the car, where Desi was sitting, just staring at her bloody hands.
“You didnt answer my question.” Peter said. “How do you feel.”
Desi remained silent, before speaking. “Empty… Everything is… Empty… Murdering a poor man with a family… The day before--” She paused. “Nevermind…”
“Before what.” Peter asked, now curious what she was hiding.
“Its not important.” Desi responded.
“Darling. Its important to me.” Peter said.
“Dont call me that.” Desi hissed.
“Just tell me.” Peter said.
“Its my birthday tomorrow! Okay? Happy?” Desi hissed.
Peter chuckled. “Well what are you doing tomorrow?”
Desi mumbled something to herself, before shaking her head. “Nothing. I’m just going to be alone.”
“Speak up.” Peter demanded.
“Its not important! I just want to go home.” Desi hissed.
“Well now NOBODY GETS WHAT THEY WANT, DO THEY?!?!” Peter yelled.
Desi whimpered. “Dont yell at me!” She hissed, realizing she just talked back, she got worried.
Peter smiled. “Very well. It is your birthday afterall.”
“Tomorrow.” Desi hissed.
Peter tapped the car dash. “I guess so. Regardless, I need to drop this off. Then we can go home.” He explained.
Desi just accepted the words, they drove to the next location...

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