Chapter 22: Alone

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Izumi hadnt told Desi the time. All Desi knew was that she was leaving at dawn… She had become curious of the box. She checked inside… There wasnt much in the box. Some Candy, a granola bar, a couple pennies, and a note. 
Desi grabbed the note and opened it… It was the note that Peter wrote for her on her birthday. She crumpled it up quickly. “Forget him… Just forget him…” She told herself.
Something felt much different about the note… but she ignored it. She slowly sat on the floor, her Narcolepsy started to take her over. She fell asleep.
She had a minor dream about what was to come… It woke her only an hour later. The note in her pocket still bothered her. She growled at herself, before taking the note out of her pocket and uncrumpling it.
She looked over the note again, before turning it over. “I love you.” it read in red ink. Desi’s heart sunk, she covered her mouth with her hand and started to cry. Desi’s decision kept changing… She soon decided she would act when the time came.
Hours later… Izumi knocked on the door and opened it. 
“Desi.” He called out.
Desi lifted her head and looked at him… her eyes were empty.
“Its dawn.” He recited.
Desi stood from the ground, and walked to him. He took her by the shoulder, and lead her to his car. It was a black corvette.
They got into the car…
Izumi drove like Peter… He never turned on the radio. The only sound was the droning noise of the car engine, and Desi’s thumping heartbeat.
Finally… they arrived. Desi waited for instructions… She knew what she had to do, but she was stalling.
“Do what you have to do. However you have to do it. As long as he comes out in a body bag.” Izumi ordered. Desi nodded slowly, before getting out of the car.
She walked to the door and paused, before walking in. “Peter.” She called out. “I’m home…” She said, almost sorrowfully.
Peter was sitting on the couch, he wasnt wearing a shirt. He had gashes and cuts everywhere, and he had a black eye. “I know why youre here.” He choked out. He was crying.
He stood up, and walked towards her. Desi whimpered. “I didnt w-want to… I-I dont want to, Peter…” She knew what was coming, he was going to start screaming and beating her… Or so she thought.
He stopped shy of her. He dropped to his knees in front of her. “Just… please… hurry… Ive been through enough.” 
Desi pulled out the switchblade, and flipped it open. The sound made Peter flinch… He was scared of her. She had never seen him scared of her. She felt powerful… But she didnt like it.
Desi checked the point of the blade to see if it was sharpened, before she slowly pointed it to Peter’s throat…
“I love you Peter… I’m sorry.” Desi mumbled.
“Fucking HURRY UP!” Peter sobbed.
Desi hesitated, before lowering the blade. “Im not doing it.” She whispered, before she was suddenly pumped full of rage. “IM NOT FUCKING DOING IT!!!” She chucked the blade at the wall, before storming outside and screaming the same phrase at him, picking up a stone and throwing it, shattering the car window. Izumi ducked, before getting out of the car. “DESI WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?!”
Peter dropped to the floor and curled up, sobbing heavily.
Izumi swiftly made his way to Desi. She stood her ground.
“I’ll do it myself then.” He hissed. Desi refused to let him pass, she swung a heavy punch at his face, a powerful one… Stronger than she’s ever hit somebody before. It knocked him back.
Izumi stepped back. The blow startled him. He turned back and cracked his neck. Desi stood her ground. She was desperate. She wouldnt let this happen to Peter, even if it meant her own life.
Peter had stopped crying so badly. He stared at Desi through his tears, shocked at how she was acting. In front of his enemy, one of the strongest men he’s ever faced, Desi held her ground.
Izumi stepped forward and swung at Desi, Desi ducked under his punch, and went to punch him, but he caught her arm, and twisted it, in an attempt to subdue her. Desi refused to give in. Izumi twisted her arm harder. Desi winced with pain, before looking at him and grinning. “Break it. I dare you.”
Izumi swept his leg under her feet, knocking her down, Desi’s arm SNAPPED loudly. She landed on her back, getting the wind knocked out of her. “Fuck.” She managed to wheeze. She didnt want to give up… She didnt want to lose Peter. She wouldnt be able to handle it… she felt like a failure. She thought about what her life would be without Peter… She’d always be passing out… She’d always be doing drugs and getting drunk… she wouldnt be able to keep the house clean… She would die without him.
Desi suddenly got back up and tackled Izumi down. “NO!!! IM NOT LOSING HIM AGAIN!!!” She screamed, quickly wrapping her hands around his throat and pushing down hard, with enough force to strangle him. Izumi struggled to breathe, before he kicked her off of him, and got up, before punching her in the windpipe. 
Desi choked and coughed, she couldnt breathe properly. She felt like everything was over.
Izumi raised his fist, and threw his fist down on her throat again.
Desi’s vision started to blurr, as her windpipe was being crushed. Blood from her nose ran down her face and her jaw.
Desi felt herself slipping away… Before she completely went out, she heard Izumi scream, and topple off of her. Everything went dark…
Desi couldnt see… everything was dark. Any sound she made was absorbed by the endless void. Every move she made was an endless struggle. She couldnt tell where she was, she couldnt tell if she was laying down or standing.
She began to hear screaming… but it wasnt a scream of dispair or fear… it was a call. It was screaming her name.
“Desi! Wake the fuck up!” Desi heard, as her senses came back. She slowly opened her eyes slowly, squinting heavily.
“What…” She choked.
A tall woman figure stood over her, she wore a suit, and a bear mask. Desi slowly sat up.
“Get the fuck up! Its not nap time!” The woman growled. She recognized the accent.
Desi’s mind was on only one thing. “Wh…” She struggled to speak. “Where’s Peter.” She managed.
The woman raised her hammer to point, but she was tackled by Izumi. She screamed.
Desi recognized the voice completely. It was Rose. She paused. “I cant believe I was dragged into this mess.” She mumbled to herself, before she snatched the switchblade from the floor. She had just about enough. She just wanted to be happy with Peter. If nobody was going to make it that way, she would. She opened the switchblade, then charged at Izumi. She tackled Izumi off of Rose, and flipped him onto his back. Before he could react, Desi jammed the switchblade into his throat, as hard as she could.
Izumi froze. He slowly reached his hand up to the blade. Desi yanked the blade out, blood splattered onto her face and clothes. Blood sprayed from his veins in his throat. He tried to cover the wound, but nothing worked. He gasped for air desperately, staring into Desi’s soulless eyes. She jammed the switchblade into his chest, and yanked it out again.
“Fucking… American…. Scum…” Izumi struggled to choke out.
Desi smirked. “Russian.” She corrected, before stabbing him in the eye, finishing him off.
After just a moment, he went limp. Desi watched the life drain from his face. She smiled… She was finally happy with something she did. This satisfied her craving for accomplishment.
Rose stood up from the ground and brushed her suit off. Desi stood up off of Izumi. She looked at Rose, and her smile suddenly faded. “Well.” She cleared her throat. “This time has been great.”
Rose giggled. “You killed our number one enemy.”
Desi scratched the back of her neck. “I cant tell if thats good or bad…” She said nervously.
“Peter wont be TOO happy that you took his prey.” Rose joked.
“Oh well. He can beat me up later.” Desi joked. She was no longer afraid of being hurt.
Rose took her mask off. “Sure.” She smiled.
“Well… I need to go patch myself up.” Desi mentioned. 
“Well you have a good night!” Rose smiled, starting to walk away, but she stopped short. “Oh, and Happy Birthday.”
Desi smiled, before walking inside the house quietly.
Peter was sitting on the couch, with his face in his hands. “Why…” He mumbled.
“Why what?” Desi asked.
“Why didnt you KILL ME?!” He yelled.
Desi remained unusually calm. “You already know why. Ive told you this many times. I love you. Its the only feeling I have left. I wont ever hurt you.” She explained.
“But it was your job. All you had to do was kill me, and everything would have been over. You could have left happy.” Peter growled.
“Thats not what I want.” Desi paused. “I just want to be with you.” She stated quietly.
Peter shook his head. “WHY?! WHY ME?! OF ALL PEOPLE, WHY ME?!” He screamed.
“Look… W-We’ll talk about this tomorrow. Its been a hard night.” Desi mumbled, laying on the couch.
“No, everytime I ask, you never answer. Tell me. Why. I’m an abusive Sociopath. I kill for money. I cant control my anger. I put it on you. I’m not a safe fucking person. Youve already left TWICE because I’m not. SO WHY DO YOU STILL LOVE ME?!?!” Peter screamed.
Desi sat up and looked him in the eye. “You understand me. Youre just as fucked up and crazy as I am. We kill together. We’re partners. We’re like puzzle pieces… Theres so many other pieces out there, and theres only one piece that fits me… and thats you.” She explained. “But you dont love me back, and I’m starting to--”
“No, Desi.” Peter interrupted. “I DO love you. I just dont feel like I can keep those emotions because you cant even STAY here without leaving the state or fleeing away from me. I do love you… But… I’m not stable… I’ll hurt you. I have hurt you. Mentally and Physically.” Peter started to calm down.
Desi paused. “I need to sleep.” She said simply.
“You ALWAYS need to sleep!” Peter complained. “All the fucking time!”
“Narcolepsy.” Desi reminded him. “I havent taken my medication for awhile.”
“Look, sleeping is my break from reality. I sleep so I can calm down. Ive been through a lot tonight, if you couldnt fucking tell.” She motioned to her still broken arm, bloody nose, and scarred and bruised throat.
“Yeah, I have too. Ive gone through more than you can think, even imagine. But I dont just walk away. I DEAL with my problems. Maybe you should too. You wont be able to just sleep away every time.” Peter scolded.
“Peter, why are you always so mad at me…?” She paused. “I’m starting to think you dont want me around…”
Peter raised his arms in the air. “See what I mean?! My presence around you isnt HEALTHY!!!”
Desi shook her head and laid back down, closing her eyes.
Peter sighed. “Whatever… I’ll let you sleep.” He mumbled. As she fell asleep, Peter watched her quietly.

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