Chapter 29: Spending time

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They drove up to their new house. Peter got out of the car. “Here we are!” He announced. “Isn't it awesome? We OWN it!” He yelled, laughing happily. 
Ruby and Bear hopped out of the car, barking excitedly and running a muck. Desi stepped out of the car. “Whoa… We own THIS?” 
“The property and all!” Peter exclaimed.
The property had a fence surrounding it, neatly, it was a very large amount of property, too. There was a small path that lead to the front door. The grass was tall, but not too tall. It still needed to be worked on. 
Naomi hopped out of the car, picking Kaiya up. Hiromi stepped out of the car quietly. “Whoa….” She mumbled.
Peter walked up to the door and grabbed the key from his pocket, and opened the door. 
They settled down soon enough, after moving everything in. They settled on Peter and Desi getting the master bedroom on the left, and King and Queen having the master bedroom on the right. Naomi got his own room, and Hiromi got her own room. Kaiya got to sleep in the bedroom with Peter and Desi until they figured out what to do.
When everything was settled, Peter was carrying Kaiya around. He didnt know why, or how he ended up carrying her. He just instinctively picked her up somewhere. Peter laid on the floor, on his stomach. He put Kaiya in front of him. “...Can you say it again?”
Kaiya just tilted her head and cooed.
“Unicorn. Say it.” Peter urged again.
“Unnn….” Kaiya hummed.
“U...nnnniiii….coooorn.” Peter sounded out.
“Unwicown!” Kaiya squeaked.
Peter smiled widely at her adorableness. “Can you say Peter?”
Kaiya tilted her head. “P…. Pw…” She sneezed.
Peter mimicked her sneeze playfully. “Achoo.” He said in a high pitched voice.
Kaiya laughed and reached for his face, Peter gently grabbed her hand. “Youre so fucking tiny.” He chuckled.
“Fuuu…Fff…” Kaiya tried to repeat what he said.
“Dont say that.” Peter laughed. “Are you ticklish?” He tried to tickle her sides. Kaiya laughed and giggled. Peter smiled. 
Desi suddenly spoke. “Aww. How cute.” Peter jumped a bit and looked at her. “How long have you been standing there.”
“Long enough.” Desi smiled, before sitting down on the floor next to him. “How’s it going?”
“Watch.” Peter said, before looking at Kaiya. “Can you say…”
“Unwicown!” Kaiya interrupted, giggling adorably.
Peter smiled, more than he ever has. “Isnt she cute?”
Desi smiled and nodded.
Naomi slowly walked into the room. He was carrying Bubbah.
Kaiya looked and pointed. “Bubbah!” She exclaimed.
Peter looked. “Hey kiddo.” He said, sitting up. “Whats up?”
Naomi shrugged quietly and walked over, he handed Bubbah to Kaiya, then sat down next to Desi.
Desi paused. “Hey, is there something that you REALLY want that your dad never was able to get for you?” She asked.
Naomi stayed quiet for a second. “I-I really like dragons… I-I’ve wanted a dragon stuffed animal… a big one…” He smiled to himself. 
“Whens your birthday?” Desi asked. 
“December 1st…” Naomi said quietly.
Desi looked at Kaiya. “And what about little miss cutie here?” 
“January 18th…” Naomi replied.
“Good to know.” Desi smiled.
Peter got up and picked Kaiya up, before heading up to Hiromi’s room. He knocked on the door.
No response…
He knocked again. “Hiromi?” He called out.
“What.” Hiromi responded harshly.
“Can I come in? We have to talk.” Peter spoke.
“I dont like you! Leave me alone.” Hiromi hissed.
Peter opened the door anyway, and walked in. “Look, Hiromi--”
“You killed my father! You left me and my siblings all alone to support ourselves!” Hiromi yelled.
“Look, I didnt know he had children.” Peter explained. “And when I found out, I took you in. Okay?” 
Hiromi paused. “...You didnt know?”
“Of course not… Nobody did.” Peter said quietly. “...I came to ask you, what is something that you like?” 
Hiromi thought for a moment. “I like creepy things. Like spiders, and bats… I love vampires too.”
“Oh, an interesting one!” Peter smiled. 
Hiromi looked at his face. “...Why do you wear a Unicorn mask?” She asked suddenly.
Peter paused. “Well, its my favorite animal.”
Hiromi blinked a couple times. “But theyre not real.”
“You never know.” Peter chuckled.
“Arent they girly?” Hiromi asked.
“Not when theyre covered in blood.” Peter joked.
Hiromi laughed at his remark. “I like that.”
Peter smiled. “Y’know, I never knew why Desi chose the rooster…. Her favorite animal has always been a vulture… so why did she pick the rooster?”
“...Because she couldnt find a vulture mask?” Hiromi said, unsure.
Peter shrugged. “Maybe…” He stood up. “Well… I’m going to go watch a movie.” He started to walk out.
“Peter?” Hiromi started. Peter looked. “Hm?”
“...Can I call you dad?” She asked.
Peter hesitated, before smiling. “Sure. Whatever makes you happy.” He walked downstairs.

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