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Juvia was walking along the dirt road, Gray being her only shield from Lyon. Person in question was constantly attempting to initiate flirty conversation, to which Juvia paid no attention too, let alone even acknowledge Lyons presence. No, her mind was elsewhere, dwelling with what had transpired earlier that morning.
  Juvia awoke to an empty bed. She sat up and wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth. As she let her arm fall, she closed her eyes and smiled. This smile was accompanied by a small blush, which was brought about by her thoughts of the previous nights adventures.

  She begrudgingly removes the covers and made her way to the bathroom. She turned the knob and opened the door. Her smile from before widened as she laid eyes upon Natsu. Said fire mage met here gaze and matched the warm and heartfelt atmosphere she gave off. She walked behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He rested his left arm around both of hers, as he was currently brushing his teeth.

  He then finished, spitting out the water that remained. Juvia giggled and purred into his ear. Natsu looked at her from the side, as the innuendo flew over his head momentarily. She then made a small bite mark on his shoulder, as he covered his eyes with his free hand, face flushed as he'd finally understood what it was exactly she was referring too. "You know, I never took you for someone so..." Juvia nuzzled her head on his shoulder. "Flirtatiously aggressive."
"Flirtatiously aggressive?"

  Both shared a laugh, almost in perfect sequence. Natsu left Juvia to conduct whatever it was she needed to do. He headed downstairs to start breakfast. Happy was already awake and gnawing on a fish. "Of course." He said to himself.
"Natsu is just overthinking everything!" Juvia said as tears stung her eyes. Natsu just breathed. "Well, if you think about it.... the truth is there. Attention to detail." Juvia just shook her head. "No! There has to be some deeper meaning than death!" She was on the verge of screaming. Natsu ran a hand through his hair. "Juvia. That is the deeper meaning."

"So Natsu is just going to hopelessly and aimlessly go forward with life until this, "cloaked presence" makes itself known?" Natsu opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything. Then he just sighed. "It's the reality of the situation. Perhaps we're reading this the wrong way, but it's a possibility." Juvia turned around. Silence filled the room.

"Juvia has to go." Was all that was said. Natsu looked up to big her farewell, but she'd already shut the door. Natsu huffed and prepared to leave for the guild hall.
"Something the matter?" Juvia was pulled out of her thoughts by Gray. They were already in the town for the quest. Meanwhile, she just shook her head. "Fighting with Natsu?" He asked. Juvia just nodded as there was no longer any point in hiding it. "You guys went to that forest right? Anything happen?" Juvia then told him everything, as he was the only one around she could trust.

Gray almost fell. A hand to his head. "He's definitely not getting that message right. I mean... he's Natsu. He can't.... die." Juvia just closed her eyes for the umpteenth time. "Gray. Juvia is... afraid. Of Natsu dying." Gray nodded. "You aren't the only one." Tears started to well in her eyes. "I can't lose him. I don't know what I'd do if he died." Gray was bewildered. The combined weight of Natsus seemingly impending doom, and her emotions toward the candle stick.

"And to top that off. Juvia left Natsu, with these thoughts. Alone." Before Gray could comfort her. The group were already approached by their employer.

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